HALITOSIS, emotional cause of bad breath

When bad breath does not come from any specific pathology, cavities, problems, etc., its cause is found in the emotional part.It manifests when someone has felt hurt and has great inner pain.

Symbolically, bad breath, as it happens with some animals, serves to drive others away, probably due to some experience in the past related to having received some type of abuse at the mouth level, almost always linked to forced kisses. or other similar experience.

The bad smell can also be due to the accumulation of unhealthy thoughts of hate, anger and revenge, directed towards the person who has caused the damage.

Halitosis tells us that our attitudes towards others are not entirely correct.

It manifests itself in people who gossip frequently about others and not always with good intentions.

And that they tend to think badly of everything, of situations, of people, etc.

These are individuals who are easily angered, spiteful, and thirsty for revenge.

The fetid breath can also be the means that a person has to exhale the disgust they feel, for some badly digested situation, and about which they cannot speak.

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See also  Emotional cause of FEVER