Emotional origin of osteoporosis and how to easily overcome it

Osteoporosis is called the decrease in the density of bone tissue that presents porosities, to the point of not being able to perform its supporting function.

(In no case can it be corrected with the contribution of more calcium, since it is not a loss of this mineral, the bone has less bone tissue but the one that it does contain the correct amount of calcium).

It is the consequence of a slow and gradual global devaluation of the structure (real or symbolic) of the individual and, furthermore, I have resigned myself, I have accepted it and I am adapting to living that way.

Bone tissue is always affected when a person experiences an unexpected loss of self-esteem. It is very possible that we suddenly realize that we are no longer what we were before, that is, attractive, agile, fast, daring, etc.

Or perhaps, the devaluation could have been activated by insensitive or unfair criticism, by feeling underappreciated, because someone physically makes us feel old and gives us a seat, or because they treat us differently from the younger ones, giving us priority in attention etc.

And of course, if we don’t get along, if we hurt and collapse because we feel that we have lost “weight, strength, credibility” in life, then our bones will also lose density.

They will begin to disappear, disintegrate, erase, etc., which is the physical expression of what we think and feel… that we are finished.

“As things come, it is better to disappear slowly”

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It can also be a consequence of having suffered a devaluation in our workplace after making a mistake, a lack of skill, etc.

Likewise, it can warn us of a loss of identity in some aspect of our lives, be it sexually, in the role of mother/father, etc. “I am no longer who I was”

Another emotional conflict that can cause me to present osteoporosis is related to my desire to run away or get away from a person or a situation that I find unbearable.

In order to carry it out, my unconscious weakens my bones in order to make me lighter, lighter and thus have more possibilities to “fly”, to distance myself from that situation.

Osteoporosis can appear in women after the menopause, indicating a loss of solidity, identity or feminine utility.

“I am reaching an age in which I cannot afford certain luxuries”,

“I’m not attractive anymore”

“I will never be so pretty”

Will my husband still love me?

You have to abandon these beliefs and know yourself useful and productive on other levels, both personal and social, professional, etc. Learn to trust life and find new sources of motivation.

It is very important to take into account the part of the body affected and know how to interpret the biological sense that corresponds to it to find out specifically the origin of the symptom.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

If I am a conscious person and accept the different stages of life while keeping my self-esteem intact, I will never have osteoporosis.

It is important to move from the higher activity to support myself in my inner spiritual world.

See also  Emotional origin of hodgkin lymphoma and how to heal it.