Emotional conflicts that affect the spine and how to correct them

The vertebral column is a long, flexible bony tube that supports and rests on the head.

It is made up of thirty-three superimposed vertebrae that are distributed as follows: cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal.

The spine is the pillar of the Being, it represents our desire to incarnate ourselves, to become a living being.

It is related to the deepest structures, those on which our beliefs and our most intimate set of values ​​are based.

It is the symbol of inner firmness, rectitude and sincerity.

The spine is involved in growth, in the maturation process as a human being.

It is what allows us to stay on our feet, face the circumstances of life, adversity, and ultimately, our human condition.

It is the continuation of my foundations and their materialization.

Who I am? What I’m going to do with my life? What are my projects, aspirations?

The problems in the spine will refer us to a theme centered around the structure of the personality of the individual.

It will transmit information to us such as, I don’t want to, I’m not capable, I can’t, I feel powerless or devalued in my life options, as well as in my aspirations or my values.

Intervertebral disc: Each of the cartilaginous discs that separate the vertebrae of the spinal column.

They have the function of cushioning and allowing slight movements of the spine.

Devaluation conflict (lighter than in the case of a ) regarding “cushioning” a load.

See also  PELVIS, emotional conflicts that can affect you

Not being able to rest on oneself (on what I did, on my actions).

I must act as a buffer between two loved ones.

Conflict of not being up to the job.

It is necessary to take into account the vertebrae that unites the disc to be able to find the meaning.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

(See cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccyx.)

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