Emotional conflicts that affect the uterine tubes and how to cure them

They are the ones that transport the ovules from the to the uterus.

Being the meeting place of the ovum (feminine) and the spermatozoon (masculine) to create a new being, if one or both tubes are blocked it means that the woman prevents the union between her masculine and feminine principles.

This attitude will have a negative impact on her ability to create her life as she wishes and on her relationship with men.

The most common problem is the obstruction of one or both tubes. They are almost always related to conflicts with a sexual connotation:

“I do not agree to have sex.”

“Sex is not to my liking.”

“Men only want me for sex.”

“I will not allow this man to impregnate me.”

“For me sex is dirty, it’s a disgusting thing.”

“I am not willing to enjoy sex, I ask for love.”

“I find it hard to enjoy sex, I prefer not to have it.”

“It’s hard for me to relate to men.”

When there are problems in the mucosa of the tubes or in the muscle, it means that we are living or have experienced some mess on a sexual level.

For example: rape, touching or insults of a sexual nature.

“My partner forces me to get pregnant and I don’t want to.”

“I cannot accept a sexual relationship because it is linked to something unbearable.”

Violent discrepancies with someone of the other sex. Rude, indecent insults.

In the same way, it can be due to offenses that we have suffered on a sexual level: (my best friend took my husband from me or they promote me when I sleep with the boss).

See also  Emotional origin of APPENDICITIS and the way to prevent and heal it

Conflict that is too disgusting, unpleasant, dirty and cruel, related to sexuality, for example: my son, my husband or my employee, is a rapist, harasses minors, etc.

It is necessary to review conflicts of rape or incest in the family tree.

Salpingitis: It is an inflammation or infection of a fallopian tube.

“I can’t accept a sexual relationship.”

“Dirty aspect about sexuality, feeling sexually assaulted.”

Feelings of repressed anger over unfulfilled desires to have children.

Feelings of guilt and anger for having broken off a relationship with a man with whom she did not feel happy but whose union was based on family conditioning.

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