Emotional origin of hodgkin lymphoma and how to heal it.

This condition, also known as cancer of the (body’s defense area), is characterized by the progressive and painless increase in the volume of lymphoid tissues.

This type of lymphoma is the consequence of having suffered, for a year here, a very deep devaluation conflict of attack and defense, accompanied by great anguish”.

It is a very specific and concrete problem.

It is a regret that I have been suffering due to an accumulation of unpleasantness, caused by a person or a situation and that I am living in silence.

I dare not express, nor face and it is blocking me.

No right to defend myself for…

“I devalue myself because I can’t…”.

“I feel that they reproach me or perhaps I reproach myself for not being able to do something.”

“I focus all my energy on proving my worth, until I run out of life force.”

“I put all my strength to get the acceptance and approval of others and I lose the connection with myself and disconnect from the enjoyment and joy of living.”

“I feel attacked, cornered, in a corner.”

“Do I want to defend myself or am I looking for protection”.

I feel disoriented and I adopt the attitude of not showing myself as I am: “I don’t do what I feel”.

I decide to live representing a character that does not correspond to my inner reality, renouncing my needs and intentions.

I have the impression that others would reject me and not love me if they really got to know me.

This attitude prevents me from connecting with my power, which I leave in the hands of others, which makes me lose enthusiasm and vitality.

See also  LYMPHATIC NODES, emotional conflicts that affect you and how to consciously heal them

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

In order to heal from cancer, it is vital to stop all the activities that I have been doing and change my life and way of thinking.

It is essential to increase my degree of awareness in all situations, both internal and external.

Against what or whom do I need to defend you so vehemently?

What is the enemy?

It is possible that the fight is against yourself.

There is a part of my being that I do not admit, that I do not accept, could it be my lack of value?

I begin by recognizing and integrating this part within my Being.

I need to learn to defend myself in a more active, creative and transgressive way.

Skip the rules imposed by others and by myself and only abide by one’s own supreme law, that is, do what I really feel.

I need to open up to my own ideas and fantasies in the area of ​​fertility and creativity and try to find love without limits.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link:

Image: hematologia-uanl.com