OVERWEIGHT, according to its location and the way to eliminate it consciously

The biological function of fat is protection.

You have to find that unconscious utility that is always present, behind being overweight there is one or more latent and blocked emotional conflicts.

Weight accumulation is nothing more than a biological survival response to these conflicts.

We must take into account the location of the overweight in the body to be able to more accurately decipher its “why” and proceed to its decoding.

Feet: They represent our mother (real or symbolic), mother earth, mother country, SS, etc. Stage from conception to 3 years of age.

They tell us about having felt unprotected in the womb or having suffered a lack when we were children. They swell when we feel cramped in life.

What is the step that is difficult for me to take in life?

Where do I not want to go?

Where do I lack room to grow?

Ankles: They tell us about the stage of mom’s independence (3 to 5 years)
Was it hard for us to part with mom?
In our adult stage it will also be difficult for us to detach from everything and we will accumulate things. If we are afraid of detaching ourselves from someone, our hearts will swell.

Calves: They refer to the stage between 6 and 11 years. They talk about whether we feel supported in life by our parents.

If they are swollen, they can usually indicate that I felt abandoned, rejected or bullied or had absent parents.
Where do I want to go?
Where am I, from whom should I protect myself?
What is it that bothers me about standing where I am?

Knees = They tell us about the stage from puberty to adolescence. It is the stage of rebellion. Have I lived subjected?

They represent dad and mom, they are our pillars. They are related to the stage in which, generally, we leave the parental home.

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They also symbolically perform the work of protecting our sex. When the thighs are thick, they perform the function of “not letting go”, in the aspect of penetration.

What is sex to me?
What have my parents told me about it?

Hips: They refer to the period from the age of 21. When we become independent from our parents, when we leave home. They represent support: Not having support in life, affective, economic, etc. “I grow big to support myself.”

Also to be seen, to show off, to be the center of attention. Or to gain space and support.

Related to the root chakra, being here anchored to the earth, to live, provide for ourselves, etc.

“I need a place to live, I need a space to be able to put down roots, what is the space that I am not being able to occupy, at home, work, as a mother or as a partner?
Who steals my place, my space?
Where am I lacking support in my life?
At what point did I realize that I had to take charge of my life?

Belly: Connected with the 2nd chakra, creativity, sensuality. The belly is related to the stage in which we begin to create our own life.

It tells us about our ability to relate. How do I relate to the opposite sex?

It can also indicate distance, do not get too close, sexually speaking, because I have felt abused, assaulted, etc.
Who am I driving away?
What am I not allowing myself to feel?
What pleasure do I need in my life?

Mothers who had caesarean sections and punish themselves “I couldn’t have my children by myself and I’m angry.”

Abortions that have not been mourned, projects that have not been completed.

Also to distance: “Don’t come close because I don’t want to fall in love.”
“I don’t want to get pregnant again.”

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Swollen belly: due to intestinal disorders, colitis or constipation.

“I’m not moving forward, I feel blocked, I can’t move this forward or something “shits” me, this “shit” person I can’t process it, delete it.
What is not progressing?
Where do I feel blocked?
What or who is shitting me?

Michelin in the belly: I feel undervalued in my relationships. Don’t touch me, don’t come near me, I have to protect myself from people.

Being envy can produce it.

“Get over there, I’m ashamed of being a woman, I feel overwhelmed as a woman”

Men: I feel devalued as a man, as a provider, as a partner. In what way did my last relationship overwhelm me?

Michelin in the lower back: I feel surrounded by danger, emotionally, economically, at work, because they are going to throw me away or because they envy me.

Flaccidity: Lack of power, strength, will, demotivation, abandonment, absolute claudication.

Abdomen: Connected with the 3 chakra. It represents personal power, the ability to do, to choose. All power is centered in the solar plexus.

“I feel like I have no power in life”
“It’s hard for me to decide between one thing and another”
“I feel like I can’t do things by myself”

When the abdomen is very pronounced, it helps not to be hugged, to keep everyone away.

The big belly impresses. Don’t hug me, I’m afraid of being touched, hugged and not only on a sexual level.

If there is fat: I’m afraid to choose, to give up something (job) because I don’t know what I’m going to live on.

Overweight in the shoulders and upper back: Conflict of “I must be stronger to carry these loads”. Abandonment by the father.

In the arms: Need to fight. I need more strength to do what I must. Have I been hugged enough?

Under arms = “I don’t feel strong enough to carry everything. Or my dreams or illusions have fallen. In a relationship because I hugged him and he disappointed me.

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In the hands: I need more strength to do…work, father, etc.

Breasts: They represent motherhood. Being a woman is a weapon that helps me attract men, who open doors for me.

Very large breasts: I want them to see me as a woman, as a mother.
“I feel that being a mother weighs heavily on me”
“My mother overwhelms me a lot, I don’t want to be like my mother”

Small breasts: I resist being a woman, being a mother, taking care of others.

In men, pronounced breasts is a consequence of having overprotective mothers.
Did my mother nurture me enough or do I nurture myself?

Breast prostheses mean “I want to be seen only as a sexual object, not from the maternal aspect”

Saggy breasts: I fell all the illusions as a woman

Expensive: Round face speaks of the inner child.

“I protect myself from how people see me.”

Having cheeks indicates “I swallow what I have to say, my opinions, I keep it on my cheeks and then spit it out. What would you like to yell in the face of mom, dad, partner, etc.?

What do I gain by allowing the world to see me as a child?

In the neck: Protection of the word, from being observed, judged, attacked.

Dewlap: We have many things to say and we don’t say them or we keep secrets or we don’t want to “say yes”.
Questions: To what or to whom have we wanted to say yes and we were not allowed and I had to give up, dreams, projects, partner?

Gain weight without eating: Conflict of referents (liquid). See kidney.

About the kidneys: Also a fluid conflict. Water makes us float: Fear of sinking.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link:

Image: aarp.org