Tips to FLIRT – 13 Seduction Techniques

Coming out of confinements and in the midst of covid-19, it becomes very difficult to connect and meet new people.
There are some to whom the art of seduction and flirtation comes very easily. There are people who are capable of meeting others anywhere and starting an attractive conversation in a very natural way, but there are those who find this a challenge, especially today where it is increasingly difficult to generate meetings, expand networks and get to know each other. to new people.

If you don’t know how to approach flirting when someone attracts you, in this Psychology-Online article, we will give you 12 tips for flirting.

Adapt to the situation

How to conquer a woman or a man? It is important to use our imagination to connect and meet new people. This requires be flexible and adapt to the new reality. Go out to meet people. If you open yourself to different and new things, you will discover that there are still possibilities to meet more people and flirt.

Although we do not see it so clearly, this situation can generate more instances of connection, since we have all gone through the same thing and share the same desire of wanting to reconnect with others. Thus, casual and spontaneous conversations could be much easier and better received by the other party.

Open yourself to the possibility of generate new connections in everyday contexts such as the supermarket, the fair, the pharmacy, the restaurant, starting an outdoor workout or when you are traveling. Today the restrictions are more. Even with the care measures and respecting the limited capacity, there are instances of connection.

Remember to keep a light attitude, be direct and live in the moment when you meet someone for the first time. The more natural you take the conversation, the more everything will flow and the easier it will be.

Be yourself

One of the best tips for flirting is be the best version of yourself. When you are meeting someone for the first time, it is not the time for them to know your flaws. Rather show him all the good that is in you. We all have a unique seal and there are things that make us different and special. You probably know which ones are yours, the ones that everyone celebrates you for.

When you want to flirt with someone for the first time, don’t try to be anyone but yourself. Show what makes you unique. That is your best weapon of seduction. In general, we are attracted to people who are not afraid to show who they are and who are proud of themselves. One of the greatest attractions that exists is to see others and be who they are without any fear.

Be proud of who you are and others will feel admiration. We greatly value when a person is authentic and spontaneous and, at the same time, it greatly stimulates us to meet people who are confident in themselves, who love and respect each other and show that to the world. In this article, we propose.

physical proximity

According to Homans (1975), the degree of sympathy between people increases depending on their interaction.
This author discovered, from an experiment, that initial attraction is closely related to proximity physical, that is, attraction increases with familiarity. This means that we evaluate the people who usually surround us more positively than strangers.

Taking into account the above, if you want to flirt with a girl you don’t know, a good technique is get physically close first. It is easier to start a conversation if you both share a position in the supermarket line or if you are choosing products in the same area. It’s about breaking the ice in an original and funny way and taking advantage of the closeness that is in your favor.

In this article, we tell you.

Think about what you will say

How to flirt with a girl or a boy? It is always good that you think a little before what you are going to say to open a conversation. You can take the opportunity to start with something funny and casual or it can be something very simple and banal. The idea is to break the ice, generate an invitation to conversation and make it happen as naturally and spontaneously as possible. Make up any excuse to start talking and get closer..

Communicate with your body

How to flirt with someone? Much more important than what we say turns out to be how we say it. It is proven by studies that only 7% of communication is verbal, while 55% is physical and 38% is given by voice. This means that the memory we have of others is much more non-verbal than verbal. Therefore, when flirting it is important that you communicate with your body in the following way.

  • Maintain eye contact.
  • May you listen carefully to the other when you speak to him or he speaks to you.
  • May you smile and laugh a lot.
  • what do you try feel and look as safe as possible.
  • what do you try be relaxed and perceptive.
  • May you feel confident.

Generate a fast connection

Another tip for flirting is to use your social skills. If you are meeting someone for the first time you don’t have time to be shy or demure. Your goal is to generate a quick connection, a good conversation and add a lot of laughter that will allow you to meet that person again and establish a first date.

Yours are more important than your physique and, in that sense, something that can play a lot in your favor is the confidence with which you present yourself and carry yourself. What really what attracts us is the personality and social skills of the otherthe confidence that the other person has in themselves and how they stand in front of the world.

A good conversation

Once you have managed to connect with the other person, try to keep the conversation flowing and not get stuck on a topic or for both of you to stare at each other in silence. Try to open topics to the extent that you see it possible, always with naturalness and lightness.

Starting by talking about the huge line you’re both in, the weather, or something that’s happening to both of you can be a good way to get in. Then you can ask him more personal questions to get to know him. Try not to make these questions seem like an interrogation and that arise naturally.

Remember to conquer a woman or a man, it is important to ask her name and not forget it. Look the person in the eyes when you talk to them, show him/her that you are paying attention to what he/she tells you and what interests you? Also, as far as possible, try to listen more than speak, avoid interrogations, tell things with spark and generate a fluid conversation.

Use a sense of humor

One of the best tips for flirting is to use a sense of humor. Laughter is an extremely powerful attraction. The sense of humor is one of the most seductive things in a person who makes us connect with positive feelings and secrete neurochemicals that are related to pleasure and well-being, such as serotonin and endorphins.

Generating a relaxed atmosphere where we can laugh freely at funny things, at ourselves or at what is happening around us, is always an excellent strategy for flirting with someone and has guaranteed success.

Happy, cheerful and fun people seem charming to us.. We are attracted to people who manifest high levels of positive energy and we want to have them around. In this article, we recommend some.

Use the rewards

Supporters of social exchange theory consider rewards to be reinforcing factors that initiate and maintain interpersonal attraction. In the field of seduction, use reinforcers to let him know what you like, compliment a littlebut subtly.

It is always good to reinforce what is good to flirt. Show the other what you like about him or her. Say nice things to the other person, without going overboard. This reinforces the other, makes him feel comfortable and safe and helps us generate more connection, in addition to showing him what we like in case the date repeats itself and he wants to seduce us, he knows how.

Generate physical contact

If we talk about tips for flirting, one that never fails to know if someone likes you is to approach and interact and, if possible, generate some body contact. She respectfully brushes and touches his arm, his face, his hand or a discreet area that is not uncomfortable. You will instantly discover if you both have it and greater closeness and connection will instantly be generated.

Find something in common

If we talk about tips for flirting with a boy or a girl, there are several research studies that affirm that we find highly attractive what has a certain degree of similarity to ourselves, that which is familiar to us. Find some common interest and show it. When you start talking about it more extensively, you will both be sharing something that moves you, attracts you, or is passionate about you. There, without a doubt, a greater connection will be generated.

Ask for his number

When it’s time to end the conversation, don’t forget to ask for her number. The idea is to see him again, this time in a more formal way so they can get to know each other better. If he tells you that he doesn’t want to give you his number, wish him the best anyway. Don’t take it personally and don’t get frustrated or despair, there will be more possibilities. In case you access, try calling a day or two later so as not to lose contact.

Invite him/her out

This is the finishing touch. After contacting her by phone, you should invite her/him to go out, for example, the following weekend, so as not to lose enthusiasm. Prepare the appointment, take advantage of that space to really get to know him and talk more extensively. Above all, let yourself go and enjoy the moment. It may be the beginning of a beautiful story.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Barriga S. Marcet C. (1975) Study of perceptual accuracy at different levels of interpersonal attraction. Experimental psychology laboratory: Spain.
  • Castellvi E. (2011) Seduction workshop. Guide to improve self-esteem, please others and open yourself to love. ALBA editorial: Spain.
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