Emotional origin of anorexia and how to overcome it consciously

It is a decrease in appetite that produces weight loss, which can become so serious that it leads the person to total malnutrition and cause death.

Anorexia is a typically female disease, it frequently appears when the girl is maturing and has to face the stage of her sexual development.

It often appears coinciding with a stage in which he has deep conflicts with his parents, especially with his mother.

These are overprotective mothers, who constantly control their daughter.

“My mother controls my life, my space, my identity.”

The love, the affection, the emotional nourishment that they offer me is indigestible and unacceptable to me; therefore: “not as.”

The relationship we have with food is a true reflection of the relationship we had with our mother when we were fed.

The child associates from the beginning the ideas of food and love.

Anorexia shows that the relationship of affection, love and protection that the child experiences when he is being breastfed has not been satisfactory.

Either because it was an unwanted child or because the mother would have preferred a boy instead of a girl, or vice versa.

As a consequence, the mother is not comfortable when she breastfeeds the child, she is not warm and loving, but quite the opposite, cold and absent, she only does it out of necessity. And the child perceives it that way, he feels rejected.

That is why he unconsciously keeps the memory that food is not attractive, it is not healthy; it’s rather repulsive.

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As the relationship with food expresses the relationship with life, the child also loses confidence in it.

This rejection of life manifests itself in the patient in different ways:

Refuses to eat physical food or eats things of little nutritional value.

When she is alone, a circumstance that she takes advantage of to eat everything she finds, she does not want to keep the food down and expels it, causing herself to vomit.

She also usually practices some type of physical exercise or takes specific substances to eliminate fat and stay slim.

The refusal of food can be so serious that it leads the patient to total destruction, and cause death.

On the other hand, the anorexic also feels, consciously or unconsciously, a great rejection of her own femininity, which is why most of them have problems with their periods or suffer from .

They are afraid of the “curves” feminine symbol and the bulging belly, symbol of maternity.

“I’m afraid of my body, of its forms, of my sexual energy.”

In their relationships with others there is some hypocrisy, a desire to attract attention, self-centeredness, manipulation and fear of proximity, intimacy and family warmth, which is why they tend to asceticism and loneliness.

If in the current life, the person who has this symptom has not lived these experiences with his mother, without a doubt, he must analyze his family tree.

Most of the time, the source is not in your current life, but rather comes from programs inherited from your ancestors, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and great-grandmothers.

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You should look for very serious stories between mother and daughter, related to mistreatment, rejection, repudiation, abuse or rape, etc.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

These people cannot be helped by advising or forcing them to eat, because that is precisely what they are fleeing from, the corporeal, the physical. They reject it because it symbolizes the bad, the impure.

However, we can help them by trying to get them to behave authentically, fully, to be honest with themselves.

The anorexic person must accept herself, her femininity, her desire for love, sex and admit her egocentrism.

He needs to change his perception of his mother as soon as possible and understand that she has always done the best she could and has the right to have her fears and limitations, like any human being.

If he accepts his mother and her way of nurturing him emotionally, he will learn to accept the woman in her and will regain a taste for life and food.

If we begin to accept ourselves as we are, we will have taken the first step towards health, towards life.

Acceptance is the first step. Then, integrate them and live them because this is the only way to achieve the intermediate point, the balance between asceticism and desires.

They need to integrate the physical part into their Being and stop living by ideals because they prevent us from living reality.

The human being forms a totality-body, soul and spirit-separation is not possible, although we create it.

Matter is part of creation with the same value as the spiritual aspect, it is our duty to bring our spiritual Being to the physical, and this is not possible by repressing this condition or fleeing from it.

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Suggestions for affected people:

Talk to the mother, clarify and express your feelings.

Do not feel obligated, under any circumstances, to report to your mother.

If she had no choice, get away from her mother so she could live her life fully.


“I feel safe.”

“I love myself and I am happy, for me and for me.

I’m a wonderful person.”

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