Experiences of other lives that the DIStrustful person brings in his memory

Lhe person who has developed the distrustful structure is very likely to have held a social position of great power and influence over others in previous lives.

It could have been a king or queen, a president, a religious leader, or the head of an army.

That is, someone who has exercised and enjoyed great authority over others, who has had many people at his service and has been recognized, praised, exalted, etc.

He felt like someone very special, who deserved to be loved and admired. In a way, he used that position to boost his ego and fill him with arrogance and pride.

But what he did not expect is that at the last moment he was going to be betrayed by those who had promised him recognition and admiration forever, by those he trusted the most.

And not just betrayed, but most likely, stripped of his power, defeated, and killed.

Hence, as a consequence of this experience, he keeps in the memory of his unconscious the feeling that in order to feel safe and avoid being betrayed he needs to treasure and hold on to power much more and get the whole world under his control.

Excerpt from my new book LA TAREA DEL ALMA, if you want to buy it click on the Amazon link:

Image: cienciainterior.com

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