CHRONIC DISEASE, emotional meaning and how to consciously heal

Do chronic diseases really exist? Or maybe it is an unresolved and repetitive emotion.

We are all vulnerable to certain precise emotions.

Perhaps I am vulnerable to abandonment, another may be due to economic deprivation, there are people who have difficulties expressing themselves…

Others may be vulnerable to changes in direction, to making decisions, others may be afraid of betrayal, humiliation, etc.

Although we are always exposed to catching a cold, from time to time, we are all sensitive or more prone to becoming more seriously ill when faced with certain and individual emotional impacts.

For example, there are people who constantly have a cough or bronchial problems.

Recurrences are frequent, they recover and after a while (short or long) they suffer the same symptom again and again.

This fact is very important and significant because it shows us that it is not always new situations that make us sick.

If not many times, it is the same conflict that is repeated over time because we have not yet faced the emotional cause that causes it.

Of course, on each occasion, we have gone to the doctor, he gives us the same diagnosis, we take the medicines, we rest, we listen to his recommendations.

And after a few days, the cough and mucus can be reduced or even disappear from our body for a while, but when we least expect it, the cough makes its appearance again.

The doctor will probably tell us that we have a chronic cough.

See also  ARMS: Emotional cause of pain and the way to consciously heal it

And, from the perspective of medical science, a disease classified as chronic leaves us, at a subconscious level, with the sentence and the conviction that “this is hopeless.”

Why fight if this is forever?

And we are left with that diagnosis that a person with authority has given us and we do not even question it and, of course, we do not reveal ourselves and it occurs to us to look for alternatives…

This is what got me!

And, even feeling victims, many people come to wonder: What have I done to deserve this?

Well, from the paradigm of the new medicine, surely you have done something, or have not done, or do not do.

In traditional medicines, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, etc., which have thousands of years of experience and which understand the human being as a Unit (body-mind-soul), there is no concept of an incurable disease.

Illnesses are distinguished as easy or difficult to heal, depending on whether their causes are external or internal.

Of course, those that are caused by external causes: blows, fractures, nutritional deficiencies, etc., are easier to cure because by discovering, treating and eliminating the causes that have caused it, the body easily recovers its balance.

However, it is necessary to discover the emotional conflict that was behind these symptoms and integrate it to avoid new relapses.

However, the most difficult to heal are those of internal origin, since, for healing to occur, awareness is necessary on the part of the patient.

Of his mental and emotional aspects, of his deepest desires and of the purpose of his life, in order to be able to change the conditions that have originated it and that is a task that involves the entire being of the patient.

See also  Emotional Causes of BELKING

We could say that a recurrent disease occurs because we have not taken responsibility for becoming aware and discovering my attitude that leads me to repeat the same symptom.

What difficulty do I have to relate to others that constantly causes me to cough and respiratory conditions.

In the case of coughing, it would be a violent reaction of irritation and rejection towards a person or a situation.

That it has bothered us, that it has bothered us, but that we have not said anything, it has stayed inside us, we have not expressed it.

And with respect to the bronchi, it means that we have experienced a situation in which we have felt “our territory threatened”.

Or that we have felt “threatened within our territory.”

What can we do when faced with a symptom that is constantly repeated?

The first thing is to take responsibility for my state.

Second, do not simply believe the diagnosis of a chronic disease.

Third, make some change in my mind, in my emotions and this is what will restore health to my body.

In the case at hand I need to learn to express myself freely and live my life as I please.

Without letting myself be influenced by others and finding my own territory without feeling guilty.

When talking about chronic diseases we will take into account the importance of , the Sense Project and the Memorized Biological Cycles.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

People with chronic illnesses have to face a great task, confront the fears that appear in the context of their illness and face the idealized images of how to do what one is entrusted with.

See also  ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, emotional origin

Life is rhythm, it is constantly changing. We must accept the insecurity of life and discard the restlessness that abandoning old habits can cause us.

We have to learn by being vulnerable to all the possibilities that come our way in life.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link: