BRUXISM, emotional origin and how to consciously overcome it.

Bruxism, also known as the silent disease, is an involuntary habit, usually nocturnal.

It consists of unconsciously clenching the jaw and grinding the teeth, causing wear and tear on them.

It is an unconscious way to release the tensions accumulated during the day.

It can generate headaches, ear, jaw and neck pain and even bites on the lips, walls of the mouth or tongue.

The biological meaning of bruxism is to express repressed anger, an unmanifested aggressiveness, most of the times unconscious.

It is a way of wearing down weapons so as not to fight, so as not to bite. I don’t want to fight because I’m afraid of separation! Who do I want to fight and don’t?

It can reveal a feeling of inability to defend myself or to express my own ideas.

Affected people have difficulties making decisions or assimilating new ideas or experiences and try to delay them for fear of the consequences or losing the safety zone in which they find themselves.

Since I can’t make clear and precise decisions, the grinding of teeth is the physical expression of my sadness and my contained aggressiveness.

In the same way, it may be related to our tendency to deny ourselves pleasure in life: “I deny myself pleasure”, as if it were forbidden to me.

If none of this happens to me, it is necessary to search my family tree.

Bruxism can have a very direct relationship with what is known as the Syndrome of the Ghost or Lying, it is as if the dead spoke in silence at night.

When dramatic situations occur in a family such as suicides, unexpected and unjustified deaths, especially of children, etc. and they have been silenced, denied or kept as a secret, the family clan to evolve transmits the unassimilated wound to other members.


“It is harmful that I express myself and say what I think.”

We must search the clan for some ancestor, with whom we have an affinity, who had problems with expression or who was forced to be silent.

The affected person must take action and learn to make decisions consistently and firmly.

If the origin is transgenerational, it is necessary to perform the postponed duel, which can go back to the third or fourth generation.

With this symbolic act, the lying person will free himself from the inherited unconscious program and will also free future generations of the clan.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link:
