Why don’t I have friends if I’m a good person – causes and solutions



Hello good. I don’t have friends because I couldn’t please the few that I wanted to keep and they reproached me for meaningless things. I was almost always the one who searched first, which tells me that they were not interested in my friendship. Being friendly is no guarantee that you will have good friends. I have decided to only have acquaintances who do not bully me and I do not have to give explanations (which they do not believe or accept) if for some reason I do not contact them frequently.



Go, go, go



I don’t have any friends
If someone wants to write to me by email malenita120899@gmail.com I would greatly appreciate it, if not through Messenger as Malena Adelinet Pellejero but through Instagram malenita120899
Some stories I identify with
I have read some
You can write to me whoever wants, I’m just looking for friendship
Well I have a lot of free time I don’t know what to do
I like to be at home a lot, my comfort zone is difficult for me to go out, but I love sports, going for a walk or going out to see places, I like to travel.
I don’t study or work, I’m on sabbatical, the course I was taking was very difficult, I didn’t fail, but someone would like to do my business, I don’t have any money at the moment.
I have an older brother, I’m not related.
Sometimes I go live on tik tok malenaap756 and Likee malenita120899 is another social network
Talk to people like that if you want to ask me something like that good singing and dancing
I would like to meet people from my area in Barcelona. Sometimes I play music. I think music is best. I should unhook my cell phone. I’m very addicted. I’m going to go blind.
And well, I’m looking for someone who likes to go out or talk.
If you like photography or making tik toks, I have to upload content. Someone likes doing live shows or duets. Putting ideas together. What happens to us? Someone has talent. Can sing or dance. Something else. I have to upload a lot of content. I’ll tell you how I do it. edit videos other things well it seems I’m a little confused anything ask like that well thanks for reading me you know if you need anything you can count on me
I have a boyfriend but he is very far away and has bad coverage. He lives in a good town. Sometimes we talk, other times we don’t.
I am looking for someone or someone, it could be anyone who wants to be a true friend.
I have been in groups, most of the people opened me up to flirt or do inappropriate things.
The groups demand the truth a lot
Some people get upset
People talk to me then they stop talking to me
I suffered bullying throughout school
My family lives far away but sometimes when I go to visit them
My parents work every day except weekends.
I get very tired of watching TV and I like to listen to music all day long and I don’t really like playing video games.

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Pedro Mendez


When I am in a group for an unknown reason they exclude me, and I don’t know why it is, even in my family, and I have gotten used to loneliness that I see as normal but sometimes there comes that feeling that you feel pathetic or even a stuck fly. to the wall, since I was little the people around me always saw me strange, in primary school I couldn’t be part of a group because they said no, I didn’t care, because of the pandemic even worse, I have acquaintances but after a while I They stop talking, and I always find out that they make plans without me, damn loneliness, my only friend is my dog, something I will always remember.



Hello. As they say in the article. The topic is informative. I am 40 years old and on many occasions I have felt alone, with no loved ones other than my own family. I spent 3 years going to therapy to overcome my social anxiety traits. In part, it is overcome with courage and losing the fear of the unknown and trying to enjoy life without having to depend on others, especially if your tastes are different from those of ordinary people. The other issue that I have realized lately is that many of us have emotional wounds without knowing it. Wounds perhaps not caused by our own family but by our social environment. Wounds of injustice, rejection, betrayal, abandonment, humiliation and discrimination. These wounds are healed by working on resilience and fulfilling your dreams. Learn to disconnect from society, the matrix, and shine with your own light. A big hug to everyone. They are not alone.

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Good contribution . Thank you

Tomas Fabbi


I feel very identified with this article and your comments. No matter how good I am and I try to get friends, I can’t. I feel like they use me. I am the best average in my course and my classmates are not mean to me, but most of them ask me for the answers, and I can’t say no, I don’t want to make them dislike me, but I don’t want to give away my work either. I talked to older people and decided that now I’m not going to give myself away.
I don’t know if it’s my attitude or what, but I feel very lonely. I hope one day I meet the right person for me.

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Ricardo Martinez


same situation bro, you are not the only one, sometimes the most intelligent people tend to be more mature and the bad thing is that nowadays most or many of the people tend to be too childish and sometimes even emasculating, well that’s how I feel a lot times.



Hello Tomas. Do not feel alone. All intelligent and responsible people go through the same situation in their youth. I suggest that you work on your interpersonal skills and look for people like you, with your tastes and hobbies, for example in extra-programmatic activities or workshops. You’ll see that you’ll have a great time. A hug.

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Nico Martinez


Exactly, I am a very lonely person, I suppose I have gotten used to it and it seems normal to me, but when I live with people my age and in a certain way they exclude me, I feel that feeling of loneliness 😞

José María (Cote)


Since I was a very child I was always very lonely, they used to bother me because of my name, they called me María (I’m a man) and no one took me seriously, after I was an adult (I’m 30 years old) I managed to have 1 or 2 friends but they are all similar to me with the same problem “socializing”, I have never had a partner in my life, women seem to not like me, they find me very shy and dull, I am not ugly but I am not handsome either, I have gone with prostitutes to solve the sexual problem. Sometimes I try to be like others to fit in but it doesn’t work for me, they reject me even more, the truth is I’ve already given up, I think I’ll always have to be alone all my life. PS: I forgot to mention that I suffer from ASD, level 1

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I do the same, you are very similar to me, I don’t want to have a girl either, only in my life, I just want a friend who is just a boy



Wow….I thought I was the only one. I’m 43 years old…I’m married and I live with my partner, I have a 15-year-old son…before living with my partner in my youth I had many friends, 23 I went to the USA, I lived there for two years, when I returned I looked for those old friends and I don’t know if something happened in my absence, but a friend with whom I got along well before I left, suddenly stopped talking to me… I looked for him and the truth was like ahh yes, you’re back, that’s great… hahahaha anyway… I’ve realized that friends or those who call themselves friends, just lend them money and they stop talking to you, including your family) hahahaha I don’t know why Maybe I have an acquaintance who was also part of that group of friends in my youth, I talk to him and he even helps me some weekends with housework… but in the end I pay him for his day to help me, but I can’t talk to him if it’s not about something about work, and well I feel that sometimes the family, even though they help you and listen to you, is not the same or am I wrong? Anyway, even though Facebook helps you connect with friends and people… well, the truth seems to be that I always have to be looking to start a conversation, on WhatsApp I’m in a university group, but still… It makes me laugh because everyone doesn’t go out of their good morning and good afternoon and although I have tried to talk to them I feel like they ignore me, etc, etc, and I have forgotten to leave that group… and sometimes even have a soda, A beer is not the same alone as accompanied….but I have also learned that being alone in that sense has driven me to do things, but I say it doesn’t hurt to say hello from someone and for them to ask you how it went. , what have you done with your life, etc., recently I spoke to a high school friend that I have on face and at the moment I felt that annoyance that (what do you want… ahh I’m busy) hahahaha and personally I feel that I’m not a bad person… but anyway… good day everyone

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Johnny 169


I identify with most of the comments TnT
I’m going to turn 16 and with the pandemic I already had some friendship problems, sometimes I would like to go back to the past and not make mistakes that I regret even today and that harmed me and my friends. And it wasn’t like that before, before I had many friends I never felt alone I always had someone to play with during recess, but even so I have missed opportunities that life has given me to do some things well, over the years I could say that I have gained and lost friends, some left because they failed the course or changed schools, to the point that now more than friendship I have a new circle of acquaintances, the truth is I don’t have many problems with myself but I want to change some negative aspects and have more self-confidence, a long time ago my best friend who somewhat neglected our friendship moved to another city and although we are still in contact it has not been the same since the pandemic and he has managed to make more friends and I feel like I am stuck I don’t make much progress in that aspect and well… I know I can’t go back to the past but I know I can change my future. I believe in God, despite all the bad moments in my life, I have never lost nor will I lose my faith in him and I know that with spiritual help and my own effort I can move forward in my future because I know that nothing is impossible and I am willing to make changes. positives in my life

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Ricardo Martinez


I’m 15, and I honestly identified with your comment so much that I read it as if I had written it haha, there are many of us who feel that way I think, but hey, as you say, as long as one is conscious of moving forward and improving oneself, everything is going to be fine, also loneliness is not so bad, I think that the company of people all the time is overrated, I think that the most important company is that of oneself, but it is still important to look for friendships, especially true ones.

The Toni 56


I don’t have friends but I am a very intelligent child. I don’t understand why they ignore me if they like the same things as me, those who were my friends… they are no longer friends. Every day I see children talking. The friends I had were always together and I was always excluded. I don’t understand but I already understood.

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Don’t worry, the problem you mention is the most common thing that happens to many people…