Emotional cause of FEVER

“Fever can reveal a certain seriousness of the disease, but it does not harm, on the contrary, it defends itself against it and must, in principle, be respected.

It is like the barometer that announces bad weather, but we do not fix anything by removing it or breaking the barometer”.

Author: Dr. Letamendi – professor of medicine.

An abnormal increase in body temperature is called a fever.

Fever has the function of providing or restoring the right temperature at the moment.

The fever always comes to recover the lost heat.

Conflict related to the loss of human heat.

When a person has a fever it means that they feel great anger after a separation conflict with heat, for not “having the necessary warmth or lack of human warmth.”

“I wait for the heat that doesn’t come, I end up providing it myself.”

For example: A child feels separated or rejected by his mother after a conflict experienced. The next day he wakes up with a high fever, he feels cold, he shudders.

His mother stays at home to take care of him. The conflict has been resolved because the child has found the attention and care that he demanded.

The child begins to feel hot, it is the sign that the body begins to recover.

Fever in children can also be a way to escape criticism.

In the same way, fever can be the consequence of feeling emotions that burn us.

It can be intense anger, disappointment because something didn’t turn out the way we wanted, or perhaps we feel outraged. These emotions can be directed towards ourselves, against someone or in front of an event that burns us.

See also  STUTTERING, emotional causes and how to overcome it

The more the temperature rises, the greater and more urgent will be the conflict to be resolved.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link: