MEANING of the color WHITE in psychology – What it conveys

Technically, white is a color with high luminosity, but without tint, achromatic, and more precisely it contains all the colors of the electromagnetic spectrum: by passing white light through a glass prism, a rainbow of colors is created, the which, joining together, form the target again.

White is also the opposite of black, which represents the absence of colors, but with which it shares many more things than you might think: for example, more than colors, it is about nuances in relation to light, black in absence, white in absoluteness, in the middle all the variables of both. They are absolute, uncompromising colors, they evoke everything or nothing. In this Psychology-Online article, we will discover together the meaning of the color white in psychology, marketing and spirituality.

What is the meaning of the color white

White is the first of all colors and represents freedom, peace, purification, a new beginning. White is the light, and the sensations of white refer to purity, encourage order, mental clarity. Above all, they invite lightness, to approach things without weight, without expectations, casual and delicate, without annoying feelings that pull you down, oppressing. The color white symbolizes:

  • Simplicity
  • Independence
  • Opening
  • Clarity
  • Purity
  • Equality
  • Isolation
  • Distance
  • Boredom
  • Empty
  • Criticism
  • Coldness

Personality by colors: psychology of the color white

What does it mean if your favorite color is white? There are very few negative connotations for white, however, in some cases, it can be cold and empty, arousing feelings of detachment, coldness, uninteresting on a perceptual level. According to some color tests, those who prefer white are like an open book, they do not hide, neutral and independent, often a perfectionist, critical of themselves and others. But with a great desire for simplicity.

  • Lovers of white They have a strong propensity for fatalism, but at the same time they express a certain amount of creativity and imagination. Those who prefer this color are constantly driven to seek change, they are people who love travel and feel alive thanks to strong stimuli. They do not make agreements and want to live life according to their inclinations. They are optimistic, full of confidence also in the future, but they could easily fall into the illusion of being naive at various times in their lives. Whoever loves white embraces on the one hand all the character facets of the other colors and at the same time rejects them all: he is an indecisive person, of many qualities, but who from time to time does not know which way to direct his life in view of the many beautiful things. Finally, they are precise people who try to avoid conflicts.
  • On the contrary, those who flee from the color whiteThey don’t like white clothes and accessories and even on their wedding day they might opt ​​for something different than usual. According to experts, these people do not trust their neighbors and have little confidence in others, considering that only with sacrifice and with their own strength is it possible to live life to the fullest, without letting it be fate or the help of others. others who guide her. They don’t really like new things and changes. unexpected in their lives; They prefer stability, rejecting novelties – even good ones – as they intimidate them. Essentially pragmatic and rational, they are not people prone to being carried away by easy sentimentality or wandering of the mind. Furthermore, those who reject the target are not endowed with any particular sensitivity or imagination.

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What does the color white mean in marketing?

In white, it indicates freshness, cleanliness, hope, goodness, light, purity, sterility, simplicity, truth, virginity, modesty, minimalism, perfection and innocence, which is why it is often used in the domestic, religious, medical, technological, and legal sectors. , bridal, funeral and design.

It is an impersonal tint, but capable of transmitting a deep elegance. It is used to represent the concepts of order and cleanliness (if we think of white sheets or a doctor’s coat, the unconscious combination with an aseptic and immaculate environment is immediate) and to give an essential and sophisticated cut to a graphic project.

It is also the color of hygiene and cleanliness: soaps, detergents, sheets are generally white (or rather they were in the past, before current fashions contaminated us with colors of dubious taste).

In this article we explain.

Meaning of the color white in the spiritual

For most traditions in the world, white is a very positive color. It also symbolizes the purity of feelings, spirituality and virginity. The color white is the bridge that unites man with the universe and with all the possibilities of the world.

In Western symbolism, the color white is associated with light as a fundamental element, and this is confirmed in creation myths. Its meaning is diametrically opposed to black and symbolizes the beginning of the vital phase and expresses peace and hope for the future, confidence in both people and the world in general; It is the emblem of purity, of feelings.

In other societies, however, white has a different connotation: according to some traditions, such as China, it is the color of mourning, associated with the pallor of death. In Cameroon, a country in Central Africa, widows have the custom of painting their legs white and always in the same country, but further south, they wrap the body of the deceased with white stripes, leaving the hands and feet excluded. Often the white-death link is linked to the idea that after physical death there is a new life.

Biblical meaning of the color white

In the original symbology this color is associated with light as a fundamental element, as written in the creation myths. In many religions, white is the symbol of divinityChristianity also associates light with spiritual reality, says Jesus:

“I am the light of the world, whoever follows me does not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (Jn 8:12).

White is, in fact, the symbol of purity, chastity, spirituality, but also divinity: white is the color of angels, eternity and paradise.

At the celebration of the marriage, the brides are dressed in white just as the baptizer’s dress is white. In the Christian liturgical calendar, white vestments are used in the solemnities of Christmas and Easter, but also in the celebrations of baptisms and marriages. It is the color of peace, of the dove, but also because it contains all the colors of the rainbow (typical of the pacifist manifesto).

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Baldoni, G. (2016). The symbolism of white. Retrieved from:
  • Claudia (2017). White color: symbolism and meaning. Retrieved from:
  • Gasperini, B. (2018). The psychological meaning of the color white. Retrieved from:
  • MADE Artis Comunicatio (2018). History of the color bianco. Tra myth and curiosità. Recovered from:
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