Emotional conflicts that affect the EYES and how to heal them

They are the organs of vision. They are considered the mirror of the soul.

They not only collect impressions from the outside but also express any emotion and feeling that is experienced inside.

Through the eyes we immediately recognize emotions such as anger, fear, anger or love.

The eyes represent one’s ability to focus on life and to see others.

All eye diseases tell us about our inability to see life objectively.

They reveal our point of view and our way of seeing things and situations the way they really are.

Red eyes: Loss of distant territory, (company, society) related to obedience to certain orders that affect the family.

Also, I want to see someone I can’t see. “I can’t see my children because they are far away.”

Dry eyes: Emotional conflict of rage, anger, against someone whom we are unable to forgive.

Someone we loved has done something so big, painful, outrageous to us that we unconsciously prevent ourselves from seeing him again with affection.

I don’t accept others as they are and I see them with anger because they don’t do what I want.

“I feel hurt resentful”

“I refuse to see him from love”

“I’d rather die than give in and forgive”

Ulcers: Serious visual separation. “Losing someone out of sight.”

Scleritis: The sclera protects and maintains the shape of the eye. Protection of what we see.

Devaluation for a (visual) territory that we are losing and we feel impotent to defend it (intolerable).

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Diplopia: Visual hazard conflict. Having to look at several points at the same time because you don’t know where the attack will come from.

Feeling of living in two realities at the same time.

Eye pain: We don’t want to see what’s happening. What we are seeing causes us pain.

I try to run away from life since we do not accept to see what it is like.

Exophthalmia or large bulging eyes: The muscles that surround the eyes are in a permanent state of shock, reflecting an expression of fear as a consequence of experiences in childhood.

Conflict of the prey that increases its visual field to see the danger coming and to be able to escape in time.

“I must catch the image of danger as quickly as possible.”

The blindness: Ostrich conflict. When afraid, the ostrich prefers not to see anything and hides its head under the sand; there everything is black, you can’t see anything, there are no more problems!

Was it necessary to see the day?

Did I need to hide my presence in mommy’s womb?

Because of shock, trauma, etc., we resist seeing, in order to avoid confronting reality. We do not want to accept what our eyes tell us.

myasthenia: Conflict of impotence for something we see.

Trichiasis: The eyelashes bend towards the eye, irritating the conjunctiva.

Conflict of separation and guilt.

We maintain our vision in a biased way, because we feel guilty of “having seen or being seen.”

Conflict of protection of the father.

Amblyopia: Also called lazy eye or lazy eye, it is defined as a decrease in visual acuity without any organic lesion that justifies it.

Conflict: “I want to unite what I see separated”.

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Ocular nystagmus or Parkinson’s: To some extent, it’s like a kind of Parkinson’s eye.

Wiper conflict. It is an involuntary and uncontrolled movement of the eyes.

Movement can be horizontal, vertical, rotary, oblique, or a combination of these.

It is associated with a malfunction in the brain areas that are responsible for controlling movement.

Those affected with nystagmus often put their heads in an abnormal position to improve their vision, canceling as much as possible the effect produced by the movement of the eyes.

Emotional conflict: “I can’t look things straight ahead, the danger comes from different parts.”

“I don’t know where to look!”

“Survival depends on my balance; I have to stay stable.”

“I must watch the whole width of my territory.”

Colour blindness: It consists of not seeing a color because of the relationship it has with a stressful event. Example: alcoholic father, addicted to red wine. Red = horror, fear.

As a consequence, the color red represents for me fear, horror, shame, disappointment, etc.

Therefore, my unconscious, so that I don’t suffer stress again, makes it difficult for me to see that color.

Blurry vision: He tells me about a disappointment.

I had a person on top of a pedestal, I admired him, for his intelligence, his goodness, his kindness, etc., but something has happened that all my admiration has collapsed, I have suffered a great disappointment.

Crying eyes: In what aspect do I not feel considered, seen, but rather am I being ignored?

I am experiencing a very difficult situation, where I am having a very bad time, but those around me are not appreciating me, helping me or not considering me.

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It can also be the consequence of allergic conjunctivitis.

What or who do I feel separated from visually?

What do I want to clean or wash because I don’t like to see it?

What or who am I visually separated from that makes me sad and I want to cry?

uveitis: It is an inflammation inside the eye and, therefore, it is related to emotions of anger, anger and rage.

Warns me about a visual separation conflict for failing to see the desired target.