Emotional origin of the stye and how to treat it consciously so that it disappears

A sty is a red bump that appears on the edge of the eyelids and is caused by the obstruction of the glands (Meibomian) that are located on the edge of the eyelashes.

I am experiencing an emotional conflict of visual separation.

There is something I see and I don’t want to see or, on the contrary, I would like to see something or someone and I can’t.

The stye appears when I have experienced or am experiencing a situation that I do not want to see because it makes me sad, angry or dirty.

When a sty occurs, it warns me that I am experiencing an emotional conflict that I consider dishonorable, an outrage, or an offense.

“I have seen something that I did not like at all”,

“I feel dirty because of something disgusting that I have had to see”,

“I have problems in my marriage or with my partner”,

“I saw something that made me angry.”

I don’t want to accept or assimilate something I’m seeing in my life and I want it to go away. “I only like to see things that interest me”

A stye can also manifest when I get angry and reproach myself because “I should have seen something and I didn’t.”

For example: I should have seen before that he was cheating on me, I should have seen that betrayal before, etc.

It is important to take into account the laterality of the affected eye:

For right-handed people (reversed for left-handed people):

Left eye: it is the eye of defense and danger, it looks into the distance (to shoot).

See also  Emotional origin of TICS and how to heal them definitively.

It is the one that directs the movement, identifies the enemies and serves to reject what we see. “I don’t like the image I give.”

Right eye: eye of recognition, of affectivity, is the one we use when we want to attract what we see. He is the one who memorizes and compares the faces.

Related to children, family, friends and our identity. “I don’t like the image I give to others.”

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