It is the joint that joins the forearm to the . They represent movement, flexibility, dexterity, ease and skill. It is related to what we do, “with the precise gesture of work” and the precision of our movements.
They also tell us about how we handle our experiences, as well as our willingness and desire to act.
The main emotional conflict that affects the doll is devaluation, in most cases, for not being able to perform a function, a role, a task.
It is possible that we believe that we are not up to performing a certain task (feeling clumsy manually), or that we lack dexterity and security in our actions, perhaps due to fear of making mistakes or lack of confidence in ourselves.
“I don’t want to carry that weight or that responsibility at work, I’m afraid”
Wrist problems can tell us that we are inflexible, that our way of thinking and our actions are rigid, and that we believe that we can submit the reality of life to our will.
At the same time, they also speak to us and transmit to us that we do not handle ourselves skillfully, easily, decisively, or with love.
The pain in the wrists can represent repressed energy regarding something that we should do but that we retain and do not do.
There is therefore an obstruction, a blockage or a denial in front of the actions that should be done.
They can also hurt us when we prevent ourselves from doing something, we don’t give ourselves permission, or when we have the feeling of not being able to act because someone or something prevents us from doing so.
In the same way, they will also hurt us when we have to do something and deep down, we don’t feel like it or we think that someone is abusing us and then we don’t do it out of love, but rather out of obligation, fear or guilt.
Cysts: They manifest when I deny the reality of something. I don’t like what I have to do, I don’t like my job, I deny my reality.
Scaphoid: When this is affected, it speaks to us of a devaluation for not being able to make a real trip (vacations) or symbolic (astral trip, drug trip, emotional trip)… added to a conflict in relation to work.
Fractures: They are always related to an emotional conflict of devaluation, of lack of respect for myself and, in this case, it tells us about something I do.
It can express a rebellion or reaction against authority, from which I want to distance myself.
In the same way, it can transmit to us that we are not assimilating or discerning our responsibilities well. I think that some gesture or action that I carry out in my work is not serious, but deep down I know that it is and a lot
People with wrist problems have a great predisposition to offer help to others, however, when they need help, the same people do not offer it or deny it. As a consequence, pain appears. So that? To stop helping.
If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link: