What does “Sugar Daddy” mean?

A successful, wealthy and experienced man. That is the profile of a ‘Sugar Daddy’, who surrounds himself with young women to reinforce his idea of ​​having everything in life.

This is the difference between making love and having sex

According to Víctor Vásquez, expert sexologist at Cepesex, this type of relationship can occur formally or as part of infidelity. Depending on this, terms of coexistence will be established.

Generally, they begin out of economic interest and then bonds of dependency are created, since an environment of emotional and security security is created.

What is a ‘Sugar Baby’?

The ‘Sugar Babbies’ are the other protagonists: young women with aspirations to have a good quality of life.

With this type of relationship, you can cover luxurious expenses, but they are more focused on travel, clothing, cars, apartments, cell phones or education.


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