According to psychology, this is the best emotional state of a person

We always believe that we need to live super intense things for our existence to make sense. Between stimuli, social networks, advertising and Netflix series, we fall into the trap of believing that we need a movie love, a huge adventure or a project that requires all our efforts to be happy.

However, psychology does not think so. After years and years of studies in this regard, specialists are convinced that the people who lead a fuller life and greater personal fulfillment are those who live in peace.

Yes, tranquility seems to be the key to happiness.

Does this mean that I have to lie in bed all day to be happy? Of course not. It is not about tranquility understood as a lack of action, but as the balance and security that comes from knowing that one is in the place where one should be.

Emotional balance, knowing oneself and knowing what is needed and what is not at all times are the keys to a meaningful life.

The path of self-knowledge

Many times we live the life that we are supposed to live. Or we feel like we want something, simply because everything around us tells us that’s what it’s okay to want.

The paradigms of each era change, but there is something that is always the same: whoever wants something different for their life is sabotaged.

So, it is normal to fall again and again into the trap of believing that we want something when in reality we want something else.

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Knowing yourself and assuming what you really want, that is to be calm and that leads to living fully. It does not mean not living with passion, on the contrary: it is about putting passion and all our feelings in the right direction.

Strike a balance

To be well, psychology ensures that it is necessary to find balance. Thinking that we should never be bad or sad is a fantasy. The important thing is that those moments do not destabilize us.

That is why it is also important to be calm. Because if you know that you are acting according to your own values, when things are not going well you will not despair. You will suffer, yes. We all suffer at some point.

But you will manage to keep a clear mind, and that is the best way to adapt and return to the center itself.

You in your relationship with others

The best thing about being calm and confident in ourselves is that it allows us to generate healthy bonds with others. It is that when we know what we need, we do not let others decide for us.

Setting limits does not mean having cold relationships. On the contrary, it leads us to generate bonds that fill us, satisfying and healthy relationships.

For this reason, the best emotional state to which one can aspire is to be calm.

And you, are you calm with your life?
