Learn about the surprising significance of the liver in biodecoding

Have you ever heard or read about liver bioscrambling? You will be surprised to know about her and have another look at the body and its ailments. Know everything in the following article.

There are many people who suffer from stomach problems or who, at least once in their lives, have suffered from a breakdown, but this does not always have a medical explanation, either because some food fell badly or because of the failure of the organ itself. Sometimes the The answer is given through biodecoding.

Surely you have also heard that stomach problems are often linked to emotions. Has it happened to you to get bad blood for something in particular and then feel bad? Or why not go take a midterm or final and break down?

But to understand a little more about this, the biodecoding, liverand others, it is necessary to go step by step and understand the functioning of the organism.

Liver: what is it and how does it work?

As everyone knows, the liver is a vital organ of the organism but that differs from others because it is the only one that regenerates. In people it is located in the upper right part of the abdomen. intervenes in the digestive function, cleanses the blood, secretes bile, stores nutrients, eliminates toxic substances and synthesizes enzymes, proteins and glucose.

Some people know it as the spiritual organ for this same function of purifying, storing and helping metabolism. All the toxins accumulate in it, not only from what is eaten and what is consumed, but also from everything that cannot be digested and emotions also enter into this aspect.

Although between emotions known that damage the function of the liver can be mentioned anger, all affect the organ in some way. Frustrations, jealousy, hatred, envy, stress, resentments, grudges, among others.

And many times this is present not only from ailments in the liver, but also has repercussions in other parts of the body such as They can be muscle tension, pain in the neck and back and discomfort in the head are some of them.

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The clarity of the mind and the emotional state of a person depend not only on the free circulation of blood but also on energy, and it is the liver that controls these things. If he is healthy, the subject’s actions will be clear and fast.

However, its malfunction can cause physical symptoms such as difficulties assimilating food, consequent loss of appetite, bloating, constipation, headaches, pasty mouth and bitter taste, and yellow skin. In addition to insomnia, loss of sight, among others, due to organ exhaustion. But what does this have to do with liver bioscrambling?

Emotional biodecoding of the liver: what it is

if to know what is biodecoding it is about, it is necessary to say that it is about a alternative proposal to traditional medicine, that emerges as a complementary option to medical treatments. It is dedicated to the study of the relationship between the metaphysical origin of diseases, that is, how emotions/feelings are linked, with discomforts and ailments.

For this reason, one speaks of Emotional biodecoding that tries to explain that the human body is totally related physically and emotionally and that many diseases are a way of manifesting anguish, fear and depression of the person.

In this sense, the biodecoding, It is also a way to collaborate to treat intestinal problems, liver problems, sleep disorders, hair loss, respiratory problems, among others.

The liver according to biodecoding

The liver, according to biodecoding, belongs to the 1st embryonic stage, that is to say, to survival. Therefore, any disease of this organ is related to a problem with it.

According to this theory, there are several conflicts related to this body and have various causes, among which we can mention:


This can be given both for a real problem, or that the person feels that way even though it is not real. According to biodecoding of the liver is usually related to food, hunger and inheritance.

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In other words, people’s fears of not making ends meet, not having enough money to buy food or other issues, such as suffering from seeing people starving, among others.


Linked to the lack of any aspect or to transgenerational memories due to the lack of things in the family.

diseases associated with the liver

These conflicts can cause various diseases such as:

Linked to the emotion of “this is killing me” whether it is due to medicines, food, the life one leads, the relationships one has with the rest of the people. When a subject believes that this is doing him harm to the point that his life will go with it. By thinking this way, the liver will protect itself with fat, whether that is real or not. With the simple fact of thinking and believing it, the organ will act.

  • Liver cancer or nodules

This is usually related to the total deprivation of a person due to the loss of someone who is the support of the family or the house, or of a job that is the source of income to live. Faced with this loss, the person panics thinking that there is no way out or solution for it.

These examples make the definition discussed above clear. A person who suffers from problems in this organ is someone who, according to the biodecoding of the liver, not only is he eating poorly but he is not knowing how to digest his emotional conflicts and that she is afraid that her actions will lead her to make mistakes that imply great losses. These subjects live repressing themselves and without enjoying life.

What is the solution for this? Logically, whenever it deals with health-related issues, it It will be important to go to specialists. Once the appropriate medical controls have been carried out, the The first step is to be aware of what is happening and that problems are often created by one’s own mind, for which it will be essential to manage emotions properly.

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According to the Montevideo Bioestimulation blog, it is key to feel that you will not starve and that if at that moment in life the economic part is a problem, an alternative will be found to solve it. You have to know that you can find new solutions and look for different resources to help you get out of that situation.

Finally, become aware that the people around you can be of great help, clinging to people who feel love for you, and staying away from those who are toxic and add problems to life. Confidence in oneself will be the key to being able to manage emotions and thus help the liver to function correctlythus achieving physical, mental and emotional balance.

This is often not achieved individually and it is necessary to go to some type of therapy that helps to reconnect with oneself, take hold and recover lost confidence, in order to be more aware of what is happening in the body.

Each person will use a different way such as going to a psychologist, a coach or doing some activity that helps mentally such as meditation, yoga, reiki, aromatherapy, astrology, among other actions.

Even physical activities like going for a run, contemplating nature, meeting with friends or family that make you feel good, that fill you with happiness. The important thing is to learn to enjoy the moments and be aware that there are alternative solutions to those problems that afflict you.

When these conflicts appear, sharing them with other people can be of great help because this way you will learn if the problem is real or symbolic and from there you can work to solve it in a better way. In addition, sharing it helps to not keep all that anguish and stress to yourself that ends up affecting the liver and generating all the problems already detailed.

You already know how biodecoding and the liver are linked. What other emotional illnesses do you know?

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