Spots and Birthmarks: Emotional Significance

According to the , everything that happens to us has an emotional correlate, since we are whole beings and what happens in one part of our being affects the rest.

Therefore, if illness is understood as an imbalance, emotions will always play a role, either deepening the problem, directly generating it, or blocking one’s own healing capacity.

The particular case of birthmarks or spots is a special issue because, being congenital, there is still no emotional conflict of that baby itself that could generate them. That is why it is a good example to understand how links can affect us at a general level.

Angiomas are benign, harmless tumors that appear under the skin and look like small spots (flat or raised) that some people have from birth. They are formed by the accumulation of small blood vessels, lymphatics, veins or capillaries.

Since Biodecoding, its appearance is related to the mother’s anguish, whether it is due to something physical or emotional. Said anguish is somehow transmitted to the baby, who not only receives nutrients thanks to it, but also perceives and feels what happens to him. During the 9 months that she is in the womb, she forms one with her mother and develops in the interior habitat that she builds for both of them.

From this point of view, a could represent an inherited emotional conflict. For this reason, the way to unlock that emotion will have to do with inquiring about family histories and the process that the mother has undergone during her pregnancy.

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As the skin is involved, the issue of affective bonds, contact, separation, closeness and protection will be issues to take into account. The presence of blood (blood vessels) puts the focus back on the family, on the “clan” itself.

In all cases, these emotions will be particular to each story and must be addressed from a respectful environment and under the accompaniment and containment necessary to be able to accept and heal to move forward.