What is the emotional meaning of varicose veins in your legs

The are very common, especially on the legs. These are venous dilations (veins that become inflamed) that, in some cases, can cause pain or discomfort.

On a physical level, they indicate a circulatory problem that is visible in the well-known blue or purple lines on the skin. But… is this all? As we are the union of our body and mind, varicose veins may also have emotional significance. Which?

According to Rosa Pavón batlleAccompanying Specialist in BioNeuroEmotionthe varicose veins they could indicate the desire to have more time for oneself. That is to say, they can appear in those people who feel that they must take care of many things that are heavy, tedious or that tire them out. That can generate disgust, annoyance, lack of joy.

In general, in addition, they appear on the legs that symbolize where we are going in life.

Ask yourself then what is the direction you want, the most genuine, not the one you should take or the one you are expected to follow, but the one that would make you happy.

According to the specialist, the greater the feeling of heaviness generated by varicose veins, the stronger the message that life is heavy and painful. Releasing circulation is symbolically unlocking the path, understanding it as fluid, without so much load.

“The little voice that always pushes you to do more or to do it better is not the voice of your heart. Let it direct you, it knows your needs better. Choose what you want and what you love,” recommends the specialist.

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Important: It must be clarified that Bioguía does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, Bioguía does not assume responsibility for these acts. The intention of the site is only to offer information of a general nature to help in the search for personal development and growth.
