Attract good luck by placing your bed in the correct way

And did you know that to attract positive energy and fulfill your desires, we must locate our bed well? Yes, this is how you read it. This is due to the ancient technique of Feng Shui.

For this important ritual, it is important that you know where the cardinal points are located: North South East and westsince they are points of energetic influence.

The cardinal points are energy centers to different degrees, therefore you must initially know what they are to choose an appropriate place to place your bed and thus call for good luck.

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North: This generates a great force of intellectual energy, since it is related to the mind and ideas.

South: This point represents the vital force, since the generation of life is concentrated at this point.

This: This encourages harmony in relationships, since it stimulates communication in every sense.

West: This cardinal point encourages the renewal of matter and recovery in stages.

Now that you know what powers the four cardinal points have, you can choose the most favorable orientation for your plans, desires, projects and, above all, immediate needs, to know where to place the head of your bed.

North: If you put it towards that location you can get fortune in the commercial part.

Northeast: In this location you will be able to have clear discernment, that is, generate ideas and reach good resolutions.

This: You will be able to strengthen your relationships with family, friends and co-workers.

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Southeast: provides economic success by attracting money and personal property.

South: It will give you good status and reputation.

Southwest: If you have a partner, it will favor your love relationship.

West: encourages the generation of life and future plans.

Northwest: to have good understanding and communication.

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Perhaps the only problem you may encounter when changing the position of your bed according to the criteria of Feng Shui is not having enough space, but try as much as possible to place it in the position that best suits your wishes.

But if you can’t do it, we have the solution for you. Before going to bed, lie on the bed in the orientation of your desires and stay in that location for ten minutes. Try to do it relaxed, with your eyes closed, breathing and exhaling deeply and slowly.

So, grab your compass and look for the orientation point you want your life to have, to encourage that energy to arrive, place a plant or a mirror inside your room in that direction.

According to Feng Shui, the head of the bed should have a wall and not a window, since this generates stability and does not allow energy to escape through the window.