How to reproduce pothos and other common indoor plants easily


You will need disinfected scissors and a plant that is at least two years old to create new stems with roots.

This plant is also ideal for beginners. It is perfect for learning how to reproduce other species by multiplying by cuttings., a very simple way to create more plants from a mother plant. Discover how to grow a root from a pothos stem and take the next step as a plant lover:

How to reproduce a plant from cuttings

The most effective way to reproduce pothos and other plants is through their cuttings, that is, from cutting a part of the stem that has the ability to multiply and create a new plant.

Pothos is one of the easiest species to maintain at home and also to reproduce and like the vast majority of indoor plants, the best time to do so is during spring. To create a cutting you will only need a glass container or jar, a universal substrate and a pot and follow the following steps:


The cutting in water should be kept in partial shade and with a water change at least once a week.

Choose the right plant

Your plant must be at least a couple of years old to be mature and for the possibilities of reproduction to be greater. Before trying it, make sure it is a healthy plant and is large enough to remove a minimum of its stems. If your plant has less than five stems you will have to wait for it to grow even moresince cutting one could compromise its growth.

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Cut a cutting

Choose about 20 centimeters of one of the youngest stems, which contain some leaves and especially knots. Cut the stem with sharp scissors and diagonally, trying to do so a few centimeters after a knot.


You do not need a very large pot for the pothos roots to grow.

let it heal

If it is a plant like aloe vera or a tree of abundance, place a secondary stem next to the main one and after carefully cutting, let the wound heal for a day completely before submerging it in water. Otherwise, the cutting will rot and the stem will not be able to multiply.

Dip to make it take root

Fill the container with water three quarters full and dip the cuttings in it, leaving the rest of the plant outside the jar. After a few days, the roots will slowly begin to sprout and lengthen. Change the water once a week and avoid direct light.

Potted plant


You can also use a rooting agent or fertilizers to obtain better results when reproducing by cuttings.

In approximately a month they should reach a size suitable for survival and it will be time to plant. Fill your pot with universal substrate and compress the soil well.. In the middle, leave a hole for your plant and insert it, making sure to tamp the soil once more so that it is compact.

Water immediately after abundantly and maintain the same care as with the mother plant, with indirect light and the same watering conditions. Your potus will begin to develop and you will have a new copy at home.

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This same cutting technique can be used to reproduce other houseplants such as the different varieties of monstera, tree of abundance, aloe vera or malamadre; However, to multiply other plants other than pothos, in addition to substrate, it may require worm castings to ensure its development.