Skin problems and their meanings – Biodecoding

Understanding the Metaphysical Origins of Diseases: A Proposal in Alternative Medicine

In alternative medicine, there exists a proposal that delves into the metaphysical origins of diseases, seeking to uncover their emotional significance in order to provide treatment. This approach is rooted in the belief that our body, mind, and soul are intricately connected. It posits that addressing emotions is integral to the process of healing any physical ailment.

The Emotional and Metaphysical Roots of Disease

Every disease, according to this perspective, has an emotional or metaphysical origin. This implies that it is instigated by underlying feelings that may not manifest directly, projecting themselves onto the physical plane of the body.

The Skin as a Reflection of Individuality

Skin problems often indicate a sense of threat to our individuality. They suggest a fear that others hold power over us, making us feel vulnerable.

When in good health, our skin radiates vitality, devoid of roughness or redness. It serves as an external representation of our body and mind in perfect harmony. Conversely, when we experience emotional distress, our skin displays telltale signs that are difficult to conceal—manifesting as psoriasis, pimples, spots, and herpes, among other conditions.

Layers of the Skin

  • Epidermis (external) – Associated with the 4th Stage.
  • Hypodermis (internal) – Corresponds to the 3rd Stage.
  • Dermis (intermediate) – Pertains to the 2nd Stage.

Epidermis (4th Stage: Relationship)

Emotional Conflict Identification:
Issues with the epidermis signal a separation conflict concerning relationships with family, friends, or colleagues. This entails experiencing a profound “lack of contact,” resulting in feelings of fear, anxiety, and a pervasive sense of threat. Since the skin acts as a protective barrier, it often mirrors our emotional state.

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Hypodermis (3rd Stage: Movement, Assessment)

Emotional Conflict Identification:
Hypodermic problems arise from a conflict of aesthetic devaluation, particularly related to a body part judged as “ugly.” This leads to feelings of unattractiveness or judgment, which manifest physically in the hypodermis.

Exploring Further: The Art of Listening to the Body: Biological Decoding

Throughout our lives, we encounter destabilizing situations that necessitate our body’s rebalancing efforts. However, do these moments of stress affect us uniformly? What distinguishes a biological conflict from a psychological one? This ebook offers insights on efficiently and intelligently listening to our body.

Dermis (2nd Stage: Protection)

Emotional Conflict Identification:
Dermis-related issues signify a separation conflict stemming from the inability to attain desired contact. This indicates a yearning for closer connection with something or someone.

Common Skin Conditions and Their Meanings

  • Vitiligo: Represents a conflict of separation and simultaneous discomfort, often stemming from an abrupt or unpleasant separation from a loved one. It suggests the need to cleanse the stain.
  • Warts: Reflect a defensive response to an attack or aggression, along with aesthetic devaluation. They may also signify a conflict related to self-worth.
  • Nevus/Moles: Associated with spot conflicts.
  • Lipoma: Indicates local aesthetic devaluation and overprotection.