Basil seed for the eyes What is it for (seed that cleanses the eye)

We have received several questions regarding the use of basil seeds for eye health, including their effectiveness and methods of application. Questions such as “What is the use of basil seed for the eyes?”, “How to use basil seed in the eye?”, and “Is it true that basil seeds can cure eye issues?” have been frequently asked.

General Benefits of Basil Seed

Before delving into their specific benefits for eye health, it’s important to understand the overall advantages of basil seeds:

  • Oral Health Benefits: Basil seeds possess antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, aiding in healing canker sores, acting as a mouth freshener, and combating dental problems like bad breath, plaque, and cavities.
  • Hair Care: Rich in natural vitamin K, iron, and protein, basil seeds can counter baldness or thinning hair caused by Vitamin K deficiency, promoting healthy, shiny hair.
  • Skin Care: A mixture of basil seeds and coconut oil can treat various skin conditions, including psoriasis and eczema.
  • Acidity Relief: Their natural cooling properties help soothe acidity and prevent stomach ulcers.
  • Diabetes Management: Basil seeds aid in breaking down carbohydrates into glucose, enhancing insulin secretion and lowering blood sugar levels in both type I and type II diabetes.
  • Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: They contain antioxidants, omega-3, and omega-6 fatty acids, and can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, preventing arterial hardening.
  • Weight Control: With high protein, fiber, and low calorie content, basil seeds improve satiety, fat metabolism, and aid in weight loss.
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Basil Seed and Eye Health

Basil seeds are particularly beneficial for eye health, both internally and externally, due to their high vitamin A content, which acts as an antioxidant in the retina. This helps prevent cataracts and slow macular degeneration.

External Applications

  • For Fleshy Eyes: Soak basil seeds in water for 12 hours, then wrap the wet seeds in a clean cloth and apply to the affected eye for 10 minutes, three times a day.
  • For Conjunctivitis: Soak basil seeds in water, add to boiling water with basil leaves, cool the mixture, and use it to rinse the eyes.

Precautions and Recommendations

While basil seeds offer various health benefits, they also have potential side effects and contraindications:

  • Pregnant Women: Basil seeds can affect estrogen levels, potentially stimulating menstruation and causing complications.
  • Thyroid Issues: Those with thyroid imbalances or hormonal problems should consult a doctor before using basil seeds.