What does the phrase “wallet kill galán” mean?

Each of them are used on very specific occasions, and have the purpose of transmitting a particular message. Furthermore, they are characterized by being structured in verses and rhyming in assonance or consonance.

Although most popular proverbs leave a teaching or instructive or moral message, the reality is that in recent times some sayings have begun to become popular that are very far from that. For example, the classic “wallet kills galán”.


“Billetera mata galán” was born on Argentine TV.

What is the meaning of the phrase “wallet kills galán”

The phrase “wallet kills galán” refers to the fact that a man is much more attractive having a lot of money than being physically pretty.

As expressed, the trait that most attracts women is confidence in a man, and that depends on having a good economic status.


The phrase “wallet kills galán” is very popular in Argentina.

Who invented the phrase “wallet kills galán”

The phrase “wallet kills galán” was said for the first time in the ’90s by the Argentine actor, Jacob Winograd, who was in charge of patenting it, some years later.


Jacobo Winograd invented the phrase “wallet kills galán.”

If you ever found coins on the ground When you walk down the street, after knowing its interesting meaning you will consider yourself luckier, since it is not a matter of chance. There is a message that the universe or spiritual beings want to transmit to you through this action.

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Before celebrating having found money, you must take into account some considerations. According to those who are experts in spiritual and esoteric matters, finding coins or bills inside the house, in your car or in the most remote part of your home is not the same as on the streets.

When we accidentally drop money or forget to keep it somewhere and then find it by chance, it doesn’t mean that the universe is sending us a message. On the other hand, if you are walking and suddenly see that this little treasure is almost in front of you, without looking for it, the message is for you.


What does it mean to find coins on the ground.

Meanings of finding coins in the ground

  • The first meaning is related to luck. The universe puts money in your path because you asked it to. It certainly does not mean that, if you are going through a difficult time financially, you will find a bag full of money around the next corner. You could find a coin or bill that, regardless of the value, its energy will help you get out of the bad streak, since the universe tells you that you are lucky.
  • The second interpretation is related to the spiritual theme. The coins found on the street could be a message from the angels. One should suspect that these divine beings are contacting us if we encounter money very often. According to this meaning, finding money all the time is a sign sent to us by a loved one who has already died to tell us that he loves us and is still part of our lives.
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