Biodecoding for obesity: everything you need to know to treat it

The number of diseases that we can suffer throughout life is immense. Our anatomy is made up of a set of systems that work in an interconnected way, without stopping. However, each of these systems can fail, present breakdowns, minor or serious problems, which are what cause us illnesses.

Now, many of the diseases that can affect us come as a consequence of the emotional problems that we are dealing with or that we have experienced at some point. This relationship between both things is what biodecoding tries to explain and remedy.

A condition that affects a large part of the population and that every day becomes more difficult to attack, is obesity. This is a physical disorder that is undoubtedly capable of affecting the physiology of the human body and its correct functionality. But for specialists in biodecoding, overweight problems are linked to the mind and emotions.

Let’s find out together where this condition comes from, according to biodecoding. In addition to how we can deactivate it.

What is Biodecoding about?

Also called biological decoding, it is a therapy, proposed by alternative medicine, which does not seek to replace existing treatments, but rather, to be a complement to them. It is in charge of looking for the metaphysical origin of the diseases, that is, analyzing the emotions of the person in order to find where the condition arises from and how to treat it.

Sometimes we go through unpleasant moments, which cause us stress, but we do not express it in any way. That is when a survival mechanism is activated in our brain, which adapts the body to the stress it suffers, making us sick.

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According to biodecoding, emotional and to define them, it has its own dictionary. If we evaluate ourselves from this perspective, we will be able to notice how everything we feel and think can have an impact on our physical health.

Can emotions influence obesity?

Emotions can definitely influence our body. As living beings, it is part of our nature to try to survive. Reason why the body is constantly evolving, a fact that helps us adapt to each situation that comes our way.

When we go through negative emotional situations, such as love breakups, the loss of a loved one, being fired from a job, not getting something we have worked hard for, being victims of abuse, among other things, our spirits drop. These are events that make us feel emotionally bad.

But how does this affect our physical health? And even more, how can it have an influence on our weight?

Biologically, the body recognizes two main factors for survival, which are fluid and fat; both participants in cellular respiration, energy generation and the functioning, in general, of the systems. Our organism stores these resources to be able to survive in case of not having access to them.

Now, when we find ourselves emotionally unstable, our brain goes on alert. It sends signals to the rest of the organs that something is not in order. In this point, . For this reason, the body will respond by deploying resources, storing fat for its safety.

The bad thing is that if we do not get out of this emotional conflict, the fat is not burned. Failing that, it remains anchored and increases, until it becomes overweight or obese.

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Why is it so difficult to lose weight?

When the problem of being overweight is caused by emotional conflicts, the person can come to feel safe in their excess fat. That’s right, this matter has the ability to fill the body, you feel contact with the skin, it heats, it insulates from outer space; so it provides protection. .

From an emotional point of view, the obese person will not only feel better eating, but they will come to think that they are safe from everything external that could cause them harm. Therefore, if the individual wants to lose weight, it is very important that they first recognize their emotional problems, accept help and be willing to work hard on this goal.

Tips to decode overweight

Being clear about the reasons that can cause overweight or obesity, it is easier to see that in order to biologically decode this condition, we have to do more than just physical exercises and strict diets. The advice that most specialists give their patients are the following:

– Observe your life. By looking carefully at each aspect of your life, you will have the ability to recognize what can cause you emotional damage

– Recognizes emotional conflict. By knowing what is doing you wrong, you will be able to get the tools to face it

– Accept that you have a problem and encourage yourself to get out of the emotional hole in which you find yourself

– Drive away negative thoughts. Believe in yourself, that you have the ability to overcome any obstacle. You can be better than you are right now

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– Being well with you, with your thoughts, with your soul, will help you know how to choose your meals better. Although it can be a bit complicated, work hard and you will succeed

– Surround yourself with positive people, who motivate you and make you see that the outside world is not as bad as you thought

– Of course, do physical activities, mostly outdoors. That they allow you to feel at peace, good with yourself and with everything that surrounds you.

biodecoding anxiety to eat

Along with emotional problems comes anxiety. A silent enemy, but with a lot of power, which can lead us to take wrong steps. Many times, not to mention what causes us pain, fear, anger or any other negative feeling, we choose to eat more.

To decode anxiety about eating, we have to follow the tips mentioned above. As well as, realizing that the solution is not to eat without stopping, but it is not to stop doing it either. Accept that you need professional help, seek it, do it for yourself. You deserve to be fine.