Polyps – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Polyp is a benign tumor that develops from a mucosa, for example a buccal, nasal, intestinal and uterine mucosa.

The resulting growth is a physical sign to reveal to me that there is a person or a situation in my life that bothers me and that I would like to avoid or run away from but find it impossible. On the contrary, I feel like a prisoner, and I cannot escape. I have emotions that solidify in me.

For me, it would be advantageous to accept that something or someone bothers me and ask myself what I should learn from all this? How would I like to feel freer?


Usually benign tumor that develops at the expense of the mucosa of the uterus.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: A polyp has the function of closing that pathway so that nothing else can enter.

CONFLICT: Conflict of crap experienced on a sexual level.


Colon and rectal polyps are protrusions of glandular epithelium within the intestinal lumen; They form true neoplasms and are generally benign and do not usually present symptoms, but they can cause painless rectal bleeding.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: A polyp has the function of closing that pathway so that nothing else can enter or exit.

CONFLICT: Conflict of many crap at the level of the colon and rectum. Each polyp corresponds to a different crap that must be decoded.

Everything related to the colon, we must not forget that it is in a survival situation.

The colon recovers the water contained in the materials. “I want to get all my mother’s love back,” so I reabsorb the water.

See also  Gallbladder – Anger Conflict / Injustice – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

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