How many times have you fallen in love at first sight and been reciprocated in the same way? Were you reciprocated? How long did it last? Are you still with the person?

Did they say goodbye because they had different goals, something like going around the world for a year, or they transfer you to Japan for 5 years, while you just enrolled in the doctorate or master’s degree of your dreams. Or, it turns out that they differ by large generations? Yes, there are time forks.

Today we have a lot of information due to the new changes that are coming soon, but as far as the relationship area is concerned, I think we are still in archaic times. We keep waiting for that prince charming who comes riding towards us, or the cinderella who wakes up from his long sleep to realize that we exist.

Well, surely you have heard of . Twin souls are spirits that vibrate in the same resonance within the group of spiritual connections. These souls have a compatibility and emotional attachment that exceeds that which exists in relation to the rest of your connections.

Love at first sight, as surely many of us have felt, can reflect an intense feeling of intimacy, which may indicate that we have met someone we loved in a past life. That we have known her for a long time and that the feeling of intimacy is so great that everything else disappears. Does it sound similar to you?

One way to feel that we are with our soul mate, can occur after having been with that person on several occasions after the first meeting and perhaps there is no need for so much communication. Suddenly you realize that you are yourself with someone you just met and that you have not tried for any reason to be interesting or to impress, because you know very well that there is something else.

Souls vibrate subtle or dense, according to their altruism or egoism. Each vibration is different from the other, but there are spirits that have similar vibrations. There is no complement that everyone mentions to us, my better half, or my other half, that is archaic. By continuing to think like this, all he will do is encourage us by meeting her.


This can also manifest as something sudden. The spiritual bond of soul mates can emerge after a while and usually causes a feeling as if a past has been shared. This is tempered by an impersonal love and not by a sense of possession.

When we are really close to our Twin Soul, there is a reaction that we have never felt with anyone else. Some of the symptoms are that we can feel uncomfortable, strange, since we are giving rise to a vibration, so at the same time we experience a very special sensation, I could even say strange and complete.

First of all, I would like to tell you that there is not only one soul mate. There are many and not only where you live, they can be in other countries, and have a different age from yours, something like a great generation gap, but when they meet, the spiritual bond is recognized, it may enter your life like a breeze with the sole effect of making you have a good time for a defined or limited time, it is known in advance when you are in front of someone like this, it is a spiritual instinct that we all have and that the best solution is to enjoy while you have it, when fears begin , comparisons, wanting to retain, what is destined to make a breeze becomes a torment. You have to know how to differentiate between something fleeting and something lasting, and those soul mates can come and go, many times they occur with people of different backgrounds, race, culture, socioeconomic level, and even of the same sex, etc.

Something very important is that meeting them could be very rare, it is not something like that that happens every day… you have to be very open and aware and above all free yourself from all fears, attachments, blocks; think that your soul mate is already on the way but there are things that you must get rid of.

Get rid of the anxiety to find her, the need to end loneliness, fears, blockages and everything you feel that could hinder the meeting. These energies raise barriers and, even if you have your Twin Soul in front of her, you will not be able to see her because these energies would prevent it.


The Twin Soul can only be accessed from inner tranquility and trust. And above all, from the center of your Heart where the purest and most divine Love that exists lies. That is the nexus of union and detachment. As I already said, not all souls are to be kept. Soulmate should not be confused with kindred Spirits, who are the ones we meet life after life, and with whom a great Love unites us but is not the same as the Soulmate.

There are different types of patterns or common types of karma in romantic relationships; as pacts; (not always soul mates love each other), abandonment, manipulation, abuse, power struggles, love, hate, envy, jealousy, intimacy, rejection, disappointment.

For example, for those who become addicted to their love relationship to the point of not being able to get out of that relationship, despite the damage done or just because they feel “stuck”, the lesson they need to solve His karma may require him to realize that he is a teacher and that he shows you your shortcomings, in this case inadvertently your pact is: “I force you to abandon me or mistreat me so that I can recover my value and respect.”

Soulmates, before being together as a couple, experience life with other people to learn everything they need. Each person with whom they meet and share intimate and personal experiences brings them new things that make them grow as people in many areas, learn about love and relationships. It doesn’t matter who is right, the important thing is that the negative feelings are transmuted and purified. We must accept, with humility, that a relationship that has brought suffering has also meant learning and has helped us to evolve, and that every person who breaks into our lives ends up being an instrument to grow.

Twin Souls only have true affinity on the planes of Light, because on the lower planes, their resonance is not a guarantee of compatibility. We can say that if you join a soul mate with karma pacts, make it conscious and transmute. Yeah! sounds easy, maybe it can take you years with the meaning of keeping that pact for your earthly life.


Fusion with the soul mate can only happen if we are balanced and in tune with each other. This fusion is called “the cosmic bond.” Being at the same level of evolution they share goals, and being together, the great love they give off opens up to all of humanity, that union affects (positively) the entire universe, it does not only affect you, everything is a flow of energy for good.

Well, according to several theories apart from soul mates there are:

twin roommate

They are souls with whom you have evolved. They belong to the same association or altruistic group in favor of humanity. They are the people with whom you work together, to carry out great purposes. They can be people who actively collaborate with support groups or some common good, let’s say service, it is not necessarily sexual, in fact it can even be a brother or sister.

twin flames

You are connected to these people through the Heart Chakra. This bond cannot be broken. But you don’t always find them in this life. If you are lucky, a love affair can be a great and intense experience. Twin Flames are souls that feed on the same source with the same life principles. They will verify that during the existence in which they find themselves, they will have been attracted by the same life choices, even without knowing each other. These same ones are those that drive you to act and follow your mission, it may be that just by being with them your ideas change and evolve to create and advance.

twin ray

According to mythology, it is the Person/Soul with whom you were One in the beginning, when all beings were androgynous. They are linked by all the chakras. The two people have the same mission in life and do the same thing, even though they live in different countries and never meet. A loving encounter between these people is like the ultimate realization.

The spiritual world also sustains life and Love, without this divine power that unites us, creation would cease to exist, therefore, for life also the meeting of these Souls is a great energetic gift.

-Sofia Randall-