There is something very attractive about free souls, they give you a very special feeling when you are surrounded by one of them and they tend to have a profound effect on your attitude and your life. It’s something amazing.

Free-souled people should be recognized, celebrated and loved. They can be of many types, I know musicians who are, teachers, librarians, mothers, athletes, technology lovers and a wide variety of others. But these free souls have something in common:

1. A free-souled person knows the true meaning of being free.

They are dreamy, passionate people and lovers of life. They also tend to have free thinking, think for themselves, make their own decisions and discover their own beliefs. They don’t feel pressured by societal expectations about how they should be. They also know that freedom consists of choosing to surround yourself with kind, generous, understanding and empathic. For a free thinker there is no such thing as absolutely right or absolutely wrong, they have learned that life is full of nuances and that “good and bad” things are generally part of an opinion. Free souls are welcoming, open and understanding people, and others like to surround themselves with their presence.

2. A free-souled person welcomes adversity.

Free souls pursue their passions. Whether it’s spending a year traveling, studying something that interests them, trying out a new interest, or simply discovering the joy that life brings on a day-to-day basis, they choose to live their lives in ways that make them happy.


These people do not let themselves be defeated by their obstacles. It does not matter if it is the money, the moment or the circumstance; a free soul always finds a way to achieve what it wants to do.

3. Free souls let go of everything that prevents them from moving forward in life.

They are very aware and alert people, so they quickly notice when something is not contributing to their life and, little by little, they wisely let it go. A job that is not taking them anywhere, a harmful relationship, a negative mental state, etc; they are the kind of things they decide to let out of their lives.

They constantly rediscover themselves and see themselves reflected in the things that make them so “them”. Free souls worry about improving their flaws and insecurities, but they also think that no one is perfect.

4. Free-souled people don’t worry, they take care.

Free souls are proud of their achievements, but you will rarely see them boast. They like to do well in life, but impressing others is not among their priorities. Material things are nice, but free-souled people tend to prefer experiences over things. And when they adore something, it’s usually because it has sentimental value to them. For a free soul, work is something important, but it is not the most important thing in their lives. They feel identified with the saying “you work to live, you don’t live to work.”

5. A free soul is spontaneous.

They are people who see in all situations a reason to feel happiness. Whether it’s their favorite song playing on the radio or the birth of their first child, from the mundane to the extraordinary, they live each moment cherishing the gift of being alive.


They are curious people who love to discover the world. Talking to a new person, getting to know a new place, watching a movie or reading a book that is not necessarily their style are just examples of things they like to do. Free souls believe in limitless possibilities and identify with the saying “if you smile at life, life will smile back.”

6. A free-souled person will rebel for a high purpose.

It is not that free souls rebel simply because there is a certain “system”, class or any type of authority. They rebel for deep causes and ideals, when they really feel in the depths of their being the conviction for something. They are consistent and do not like to see that there are people like “Cura Gatica: who preaches and does not practice”. Free-souled people join causes and lead them into their lifestyle. They do not like rebellion for the simple act of being rebellious, in fact they think that many rebellions do more harm than good. That is why they choose their causes very well and incorporate them into their lifestyle.

7. A free-souled person makes the best of any situation.

Instead of being negative and pessimistic, a free soul always finds a way to see the glass as half full, and they manage to turn a bad day into a good one, or at least one of learning. This is why free souls are the ones who have the best time in life. They have realized that the best time to do things is now, even if it doesn’t seem like it. They identify with the saying “if life gives you lemons, make lemonade!”. this attitude resilient it is reflected in how they lead their lives and others love them for it.

Source: The glass half full