Just as there are good energies, it is also common to run into bad energies that can end up hanging around our home, affecting different aspects of our lives, the interaction that occurs between household members, their health, happiness, mood, among other things.

For this reason, it is always advisable to make a daily prayer of protection for the home to the creator of the Universe so that he covers your house and the members of your family under his protection, driving away all these negative energies and that it be full of blessings and joys.

By praying the protection prayers, we can ask the creator of the Universe to protect and bless our home. You can ask that every side of your home be blessed, that every step you take inside it be at peace.

Giving God the protection of our house, it is not only about asking him for the protection of the material goods that are in it, but also the protection of our home, of our family, that is, of all the people who live there.

Prayer to Protect and Bless your Home

Kind God, creator of the Universe and everything that lives in it, in this prayer I open the doors of my home so that you can live in it, free it from all evil and fill it with blessings. Lord, today I give into your hands this house that you gave me one day.

I ask you to enter it and take away all evil, anguish or sadness. May the darkness be replaced by the warm glow of your intense light and may only understanding, health and prosperity reign hereafter.

Heavenly Father, creator of the Universe, today I open the doors of my home for you to inhabit and bless with your infinite mercy and goodness. Make this, my humble abode, your protected place, because with your protection I will have nothing to fear.

Drive away every person or evil that wants to hurt my home or my family, shower us with your love so that it frees us from all fears.

I also ask you, Lord, for those of us who live here. Guide us on good and fortunate paths. Every time we leave our home, please protect us from the sieges and threats of the outside world and allow us to return home with the satisfaction of having fulfilled our duty.

Fill us with love and wisdom that allow us to move forward and emerge victorious from the challenges of everyday life, and at the end of the day, give us the joy of meeting again in our home to bear witness to your endearing goodness. Put away the arguments and misunderstandings and help us be a happy family where there is only love.

With my heart full of gratitude because I know you have heard me, I thank you heavenly father, creator of heaven and earth. I trust that your mantle of blessing and infinite love will pass over my home and my family, driving away all the bad.

Thank you thank you thank you. Amen.

Family is the most important thing we have in this life. Asking for the family means entrusting our loved ones to a superior force. Make this prayer with great faith and joy, imagining that every corner of your house is cleaned and renewed.


Harmony for the home and family must be decreed daily. Sometimes it is not given adequate attention but we must remember that a home must be full of peace, blessing, love and above all family unity.

Remember: Creating a routine together with a ten-minute prayer a day will be more than enough, this will help the whole family stay on the same page and strengthen ties. Besides. Requests will come in more quantity as there are more people praying.

“The word has strength, but prayer has power.”