Soulmates share a spiritual connection that began long before they were born into this world. They are old friends and have lived many lives together: the oldest souls have shared the experience of the entirety of human history, meeting again and again on the physical plane.

But the connection, and therefore our relationship with our soul mate, exists mainly on the spiritual plane. And the shared spiritual connection we have with our soul mate is just that: shared. It works both ways, it offers at both ends and receives in the same way.

Both soul mates feel the connection?

We may worry that our soul mate doesn’t feel the same spiritual connection that we do. That may be true, but it’s not because the connection isn’t there for them. They just don’t see it.

My soul mate sleeps
The most common reason why a soul mate might not feel the spiritual connection is because they are not spiritually awake, that is, they are not aware of their spiritual self and therefore do not recognize the power and energy of the spiritual connection. of the soul mate

this can be frustrating
But we must remember that once upon a time there was a time when we were not yet spiritually awake. There was a time when we would not have realized the spiritual connections that, however, we have always had.

If our soul mate is not yet spiritually awake, we should not get discouraged. In fact, we should be excited. They have yet to start their spiritual journey towards enlightenment and ascension, and we can help with that.


Is there a connection of souls?

We should try not to be too pushy about it, but rather use our intuition to judge when the time is right to introduce our soul mate to spirituality and then do so carefully. Do you remember how transformative your spiritual awakening was?

willful ignorance
Some soulmates deny the existence of a spiritual soulmate connection. This is a more difficult and painful circumstance. If this happens to us, we might feel rejected, hurt, and mistreated.

But this denial is unlikely to have anything to do with us. It has much more to do with them. This is because the denial of a spiritual soulmate connection, even though one of the soulmates feels like one, is primarily rooted in fear.

Our soul mate could have been burned sooner; They may have commitment issues or instinctively pull back because the transformation would take them away from their otherwise comfortable circumstances. And that’s fine. We see this in all spiritual relationships.

The best advice we can give when faced with a soul mate who is in denial of a connection is to simply wait until they are ready for you. They need to get to the right place on their spiritual journey before the Universe unite them all.

And if we are the ones denying the connection, perhaps we should take that as a sign that we should renew our efforts to progress along our own spiritual journey.