Healthy habits to improve the condition of the bones and joints –

/p>As people age, the body undergoes a series of physical changes and one of them is the bone mass loss. The skeleton loses density and the bones become thinner and lack calcium and other minerals. The spine becomes curved and compressed. Joints become stiffer and less flexible, and can break more easily. may appear arthritis, osteoporosis and fractures. In order to maintain bone health, experts recommend a series of simple Healthy habits that can be applied from young ages.

To do physical exercise
“Physical exercise is very positive for delaying or avoiding joint and bone problems,” says Dr. Francesc Marimón from Lepant Residencial. Bones, thanks to exercise, remain strong. Walking, climbing stairs, lifting weights, dancing, or practicing yoga or tai chi are some of the activities that are convenient to do.
Diet rich in calcium and vitamin D
A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is recommended especially for women, to prevent them from developing osteoporosis. Foods rich in calcium are milk and other dairy products. Vitamin D is found in egg yolk, and sea fish.
Maintain a proper weight
“Being too thin increases the probability of having osteoporosis,” says Dr. Marimón. Being overweight produces tiredness and fatigue, reducing exercise.
Stop smoking and not drink alcohol regularly
Tobacco interferes negatively in the use of calcium by the body. On the other hand, alcohol consumption increases the chances of suffering from osteoporosis.
Avoid certain medications
If possible, it is convenient to avoid some medications, “some of them negatively affect the bones, such as glucocorticoids and anticonvulsants,” says the doctor. If there is a history of bone problems, visit the doctor. If it is pertinent, he will do a bone densiometry.

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