Why should you burp more?

There are behaviors that, however healthy they may be, do not have the approval of society: is one of them. In most cases we tend to avoid belching since they are considered rude, although the truth is that expel gases that are in the stomach It is beneficial for our body.

And, although in Western culture they are not well regarded, belching is a symbol of satiety in Arab culture while for Asians it means a kind of mockery of their ancestors.

The air we swallow travels down the esophagus to the stomach. As the stomach begins to stretch, the esophagus opens to allow air to escape.

The importance of belching becomes clear when mothers are advised that they have to provoke it in their babies at breast or bottle feeds. In this way, they get avoid stomach aches in the little ones

The act of burping will also favor the digestion is faster and prevent a large amount of gases from accumulating. The nausea or burning sensations they can also disappear when performing this simple gesture.

As significant data we can take those offered by the National Institute of Digestive Health and Diabetes of the United States, which indicate that the usual thing is that each person generates from 0.5 to 2 liters of gas per day. Given this, it is recommended to expel it in the form of flatulence or belching, an action that should be repeat 10 to 20 times daily.

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Thus, the belching will help expel the air we ingest. Eating too fast, drinking through a straw, or It favors the appearance of belching, which will end up causing a feeling of discomfort in the stomach that we can eliminate by belching. Chewing gum or sucking on candies It will also cause the air we take to increase, as well as taking some medications.

In these five countries, it is okay to burp. Flow Spain

Tips to reduce them

Although the truth is that there are also certain tips to avoid belching. Those such as chamomile or mint will calm the nerves and promote digestion. Also they fermented foods They will help reduce the amount of gas in our intestines and this is because they contain probiotics, which improve the intestinal flora.

Another useful trick will be eat relaxed and without haste, chewing food well. High fat content in food can also cause a lot of gas, so close attention should be paid to the type of food you eat. should also be avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinksas well as chewing gum and candies.

Finally, it will be beneficial to avoid gases to have a more relaxed lifestyle and avoid situations that may cause anxiety.