Seven tips to avoid repeat meals

There are foods that are especially heavy for us and that they even repeat themselves to us, especially in these times close to or during it, where we usually eat more elaborate dishes and in a more abundant way, and for several hours.

Although this Christmas is going to be different because we are not going to get together as many as in previous years, we will surely not lose this tradition. Is there a way to relieve that heaviness with food, that we repeat some foods? Why does this happen to us?

Specifically, we must have be careful with fried foods, with foods rich in butter or very spicy, as well as with processed foods and with alcoholic beverages, since they are the foods that most often come back to us, according to an interview with Infosalus, Dr. Ana Olivares Valles, head of the Digestive System at the General Hospital of Villalba (Madrid).

But why does it happen to us? To understand it, the specialist assumes that the esophagus, which is the organ that propels food from the mouth to the stomach, is separated from it by a valve called ‘cardia’ or ‘hiatus’.

“This valve opens, the food passes, and it closes preventing gastric juice from ascending. Sometimes, the function of the cardia is altered because it can be displaced upwards, forming a hiatus hernia, not closing properly or due to increased pressure in the stomach. In this way, gastric acid splashes the walls of the esophagus and we notice the symptom of ‘burning’ that can reach the throat, a sensation of regurgitation of food or gases with a taste or smell of food,” he adds.

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With this, he maintains that people who have an incompetent cardia, hiatus hernia, or an excess in the diet of the previously mentioned foods, may suffer more reflux.

“Also Let’s not forget that the digestive tract is the so-called ‘second brain’ because it has a nervous system that covers all the stomach tissue and the digestive system has its own neural circuits and the ability to secrete serotonin. This neurotransmitter drops in times of stress and anxiety, which can worsen symptoms,” adds the specialist in the digestive system.

What to do to avoid it

so go It is advisable to reduce the level of stress, through meditation, relaxation or mindfulness, in these cases, while stressing that some foods contain chemical elements, such as sulfur, which during digestion generate volatile particles that turn into gas. “These gases are expelled in the form of belching and can contain a bad smell or taste of food. Within these foods, we highlight garlic, onion and pepper,” he adds.

On how we can prevent this from happening, Dr. Olivares Valles lists the following recommendations:

  1. Eat five meals a day and less

  2. Eat slowly and chew well.

  3. Do not eat and drink at the same time. Separate solid foods from liquids.

  4. Rest after eating in a sitting position or give a small

  5. walk. It is better not to lie down after eating.

  6. Raise the head of the bed.

  7. Avoid wearing clothing that is too tight at the waist.