The exercise that will take you one minute a day and you should do before going to sleep to have a flat stomach and burn fat

One of the challenges that everyone sets for the summer is to get in shape and Taken after Christmas and in the first months of the year. The abdomen is one of the areas that suffers the most from excesses. If you want to achieve a flat and toned stomachPut into practice the exercises that we show you below. If you do one of them (or all three) every day before you go to sleep, you will start to see results in no time.

abdominal plank

One of the to harden the abdomen are the abdominal planks. It is a very simple to do at home and with which you will activate all your muscles.

To perform the perfect abdominal plank, lie on your stomach and support yourself on your forearms, forming a straight line with your body. The elbows should be in a straight line with the shoulders. Look at the floor to keep the cervical area aligned and hold this position for 15 seconds. Very important: During the exercise, inhale and exhale deeply.

superman iron

Placed in plank position, we simultaneously raise one arm and the opposite leg. The body should be balanced on two support points, keeping the abdomen tense.

The cat

We stand on all fours placing the arms parallel to each other, as well as the legs. With your back straight, keep your knees and hands firm and anchored to the ground. Now arch your back like a cat that bristles its spine when you see danger. procure keep your abs tight. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Do batches of ten.

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With a paper and a pen It also can . Yes, oddly enough these two tools can be more than useful if what you have proposed at the beginning of this year is to lose weight almost effortlessly or at least without any miracle diet. Just leading a healthier life. And it is that having written down every day (in this you have to be very strict: it has to be every day because otherwise you will grant yourself too many “grace periods”), the steps you have walked and what the application tells you every night health of your mobile phone (almost all have one, the fact is that you have to know how to look for them), it will improve your life in many ways. If you do more than 10,000 steps each day you will start to . And if you impose yourself as a “challenge” to write down the result of your activity every night physical you will be more aware of how well (or bad) you have done and you will be able to rectify in time.