The puree that helps you lose weight in ten days and also gives you a lot of energy

Slimming diets sometimes cause us to feel low on energy. Losing weight with this feeling can be counterproductive since the ideal is to associate a diet to lose weight with physical exercise and if we do not have vitality it is more difficult for us to launch ourselves into gymnastics. For this reason, the ideal way to lose weight is to combine a diet with few calories but at the same time it fills you with vitality and the desire to do things. Today we propose a diuretic puree that, at the same time that it helps you lose weight, will fill you with vitality. It is the pumpkin cream.

Pumpkin Benefits

Pumpkin is one of the star vegetables of autumn. Its multiple benefits for our body support this qualification. Eating pumpkin helps us strengthen our defenses, something essential at this time to prevent colds. It is also good for the digestive system and helps us fight constipation. It is an excellent antioxidant with its great contribution of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, it takes care of our kidneys and helps us prevent urinary infections and kidney stones. Finally, it is very beneficial for our eye health and helps us control cholesterol. And as if that were not enough, it helps combat stress and is ideal for maintaining a good mood.

Pumpkin cream for weight loss

In addition to all the benefits of pumpkin mentioned above, it is a very low-calorie vegetable with a high fiber content, which makes it the ideal ally for weight loss. It provides only 26 calories and no fat. So if your goal is to lose weight in a healthy way, sign up to take this puree for ten days. Soon you will begin to notice the results in your figure and you will feel more vitality.

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How to prepare pumpkin cream to lose weight

Preparing a pumpkin puree to lose weight is very easy. You need half a kilo of pumpkin, an onion and water. Wash and cut the pumpkin and boil it together with the onion until everything is soft. Then let it cool and pass it through the blender until you get a homogeneous cream. If you want, you can add a little grated ginger to modify its flavor a bit and enhance its fat burning effect. You can store the preparation in the fridge and consume every day.

This puree is not miraculous, so if you really want to lose weight in a healthy way, you must accompany it with a healthy diet and avoid foods such as alcohol or industrial pastries. In addition, you must perform physical exercise on a routine basis and add healthy lifestyle habits to your day to day. Combining all these factors you will achieve your long-awaited goal of losing weight.

soups to lose weight

In this autumn time, consuming soups and broths to lose weight is the best option to lose weight. With the cold, our body asks for hot dishes that comfort us but do not fill our diet with fat and calories. For this reason, fat burning and slimming soups are an ideal option to eliminate those extra kilos. If you liked the pumpkin cream that we have proposed today, also try the purifying vegetable puree, or the cauliflower and cabbage soups. All these recipes will help you achieve your goal of losing weight and eliminating your belly without much effort.

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