Meditation to self-heal by dissolving physical and emotional tensions

Our body is wise and has the ability to heal itself by dissolving physical and emotional tensions.s stored in it. With this meditation I guide you to get in touch with that natural flow of energy in your body, also called well-being.

In our day to day it is inevitable to accumulate physical and emotional tensions, especially if we lead a lifestyle in which we prioritize our work responsibilities more than our space to feel and accommodate our needs.

Many times our tensions and blockages are stagnant energies within us for years, maybe since our childhood. It is at that early point in our lives that we are most vulnerable to our immediate environment.

As children we assume that the people around us will welcome us with pure love and acceptance.

When we don’t feel that way emotional and behavioral responses are created in us that accompany us throughout our lives and they will be very especially present in a more or less destructive way if we do not become aware of them.

That is why I give so much importance to awareness work and personal discovery. It is from this intention to bring awareness to the unconscious from where I work individually with my clients in my sessions, and from where I prepare these with love for you.

Self-heal with a meditation

All of us we have the ability to focus and move our attention to different parts of our body. And, although this practice may be very simple for us, it also has the potential to be highly healing. Many times what is really important is what we ignore because it is the simplest.

See also

When we move our attention, our awareness, through meditation we are moving with it subtle, almost imperceptible energies inside our body. With that flow of energy that we move consciously, we invite the dissolution of blockages.

It’s as if those internal energy channels where our physical or emotional tensions accumulate are being cleaned, giving rise to a freer flow of our vital energy. And it is in this flow that healing occurs naturally, since our body is in the necessary harmony for it.

How to meditate to self-heal by dissolving physical and emotional tensions

You can do this meditation sitting or lying down, whichever you prefer. Take a comfortable position.

  • Bring all your attention to your body. Scan your interior, realizing what are the sensations present in it, with curiosity.
  • Focus now especially on the sensations you feel as tensions, blockages, discomfort. Your physical and emotional stresses are manifesting now in your body through those more or less uncomfortable sensations.
  • I invite you to give yourself permission to feel them and welcome them with kindness for now. Invite them to be there just as they are, just as they are. They are parts of you that need your attention, support and affection. Let them know that you are there with and for them.
  • Now I invite you to breathe into your heart, visualizing how the inhalation air enters through your chest, through your heart, and It’s a big bright white light that flows into your body constantly. Feel the energy of love in that light. Also feel the subtle air current of your breath entering through your heart.
  • As you do so, I invite you to visualize how with each exhalation you send that loving light towards the tense parts of your interior that you were feeling before. Feel how each exhalation caresses with care and affection each of those parts with that luminous love that enters through your chest, giving them permission to soften in those caresses.
  • Continue at your pace for a few more breaths. Inhale and feel that luminous love entering through your chest and, with the exhalation, feel how that energy is focused on each one of those tense points, caressing it lovingly.
  • Now you can let that light that enters through your heart dissolve and spread evenly throughout your body, softening and softening it as a whole. Give yourself permission to relax into it, feeling an overall sense of harmony.
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