Definition: The twelve vertebrae located below the cervicals. Thicker than these and less mobile.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of family devaluation. Being the pillar of the family.

Biological sense: The vertebrae have the common sense of spinal cord protection, structure support and movement. In particular, each vertebra has the meaning of protecting and distributing the central nervous system in relation to its connections (see conflict), and specifically the dorsal allude to the foundations, regarding oneself and family.

Conflict: Relationship with the family. Be the pillar of the family48. People, to whom the family goes, to resolve conflicts or organize things usually suffer more than bibs.

Conflict of the great mast that supports our structure:

I can only count on myself

D1 – (Kidney, bone function, esophagus, trachea, fingers, hands, forearm): conflicts of renal memory, fear and deep existence.

Conflicts regarding the non-respected order of things. On the right: Rage or anger due to affective deficiencies in relation to relatives. On the left: Rage and anger in relation to the outside

D2 – (Coronary arteries, heart and heart valves): Territory conflicts. They represent the circulation in communication.

Conflicts of survival in relation to the home.

Conflicts with the father. It is an alarm signal for devaluations. On the right: deficiencies

affective in relation to the father. On the left: In relation to the symbolic father59.

D3 – (Lung, pleurae, breasts, bladder and ribs): Conflict with the real or symbolic mother. On the right: Affective deficiencies in relation to the mother. On the left: Rage and anger in relation to the mother

D4 – (Gallbladder): Grudge conflicts61. Not wanting to give our arm to twist. On the right: Resentment for affective deficiencies. On the left: Anger

D5 – (Liver, solar plexus and blood): Conflict of lack or lack (liver), father conflict (plexus). Chronic digestive problems. “I’m not part of the clan

D6 – (Stomach): Conflicts with early childhood. Recent upset conflict in the territory with devaluation61. Recent conflicts of stomach. On the right: affective deficiencies. On the left: Anger

D7 – (pancreas, endocrine, diabetes and duodenum): conflicts of infamy and dishonor.

On the right: Guilt or seeking affection. On the left: Anger in relation to the outside

D8 – (Spleen, blood and diaphragm): Communication conflicts in the family61. And with the children. Also bleeding problems

D9 – (Adrenals): Management conflicts61. “What path should I take in life?”. On the right: Devaluation and guilt. On the left: Anger

D10 – (Collecting tubules, kidneys and adrenal glands): It is a very


important. Conflicts of direction and choice61. Territory collapse conflicts. to be without territory

D11 – (Ureter, urethra, bladder): Territory marking conflicts with devaluation

Evacuation conflicts (they evacuate me). Difficulties to define what is mine.

D12 – (Pubis, small intestine, lymphatic system, fallopian tubes): Dirty sexual conflicts. Spouse conflicts. On the right: Culpability. On the left: Anger

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


The center back represents the great thoracic region of the body between the heart and the lumbar vertebrae. It is a region of emotional and affective guilt. The 12 dorsal vertebrae (Dorsal vertebrae: the way to identify each of them is by the letter D that designates “dorsal” followed by the sequential number of the vertebra. Another way is also to use the letter T to designate the thoracic vertebrae, and it is the same.) They are mainly related to this region:

D1 = the first dorsal vertebra D1 can react strongly when I go to my limits either in my work or in sports, in short, in all situations in which I go to the end of my mental, physical or emotional strength. It does not appreciate a “doping” that is in the form of alcohol or drugs, whatever. His sensitivity at that time will be on the surface. I then build self-protection means to protect myself from my environment and avoid being hurt. This can be manifested above all in my gestures or my words: for example, I tend to push others away because of my coldness or hurtful words. This can even be manifested by gaining significant weight, this being my natural and physical protection, because I unconsciously want to “take up more space” and leave less to others.

This can also hide current shyness and with which I have difficulty to compromise. It will be even more evident if I fear losing the love of the people. I must be vigilant and avoid curling up on myself – even ruminating negativity constantly, always being fixed on the same ideas and frustrations. a bad state of D1 it can bring ailments in any part of my body located between my elbows and the tips of my fingers as well as breathing difficulties (cough, asthma, etc.)

D2 = the second thoracic vertebra D2 will react easily when my emotion is affected. If I accumulate and drown my emotions, then D2 I will send a message and the “pain of back”. if i have the feeling that I don’t have my place in life and in society, that life is “unfair” and I feel like a victim of events D2 will be affected. I can be particularly sensitive to everything that touches my family, and I experience situations of conflict or disharmony in an intense way. I may have stored old grudges I can also constantly remove past experiences, memories, wanting to fix my reality on past events instead of look to the future with confidence and live intensely in the present moment.


I can contemplate a new situation that brings me a fear of the a stranger. Am I going to have too many responsibilities? I’m going to be sustained or will I have to wake up alone? How will people around me react? If I doubt myself, my abilities, I may react by playing the role of the “hard to crack” becoming very authoritarian; In this way, I will have the sensation of controlling the situation, knowing very well that I am trembling with fear, even going so far as to have anguish. I can also become irritable in front of a person or an event and I react by mood swings. A D2 in poor condition is usually accompanied by discomfort and pain in the heart and the organs that are linked to them, as well as the lungs.

I learn to ask and trust in my ability to accept new challenges.

I let go of my past and turn to the future knowing that now I am able to take my place in harmony with my environment. I can also read the specific section about the heart to have other clues.

D3 = the third thoracic vertebra D3 is essentially related to lungs and chest. I can go and consult regarding these two issues to see what are the causes that can affect them and I will have a clue to know because D3 He also sends me messages. Also, all I can perceive by my senses and that it does not suit me at all will make me react D3. Given that I am very sensitive to my environment, I have created a system with which I know what is right and what is wrong, what is acceptable ¯© or not. I can be fixed and rigid in my way of thinking or seeing things. I have a tendency to judge any person or situation that does not fit my definition of “correct”.

I can react strongly to what I consider to be an “injustice”.

I can even become angry, even violent as long as I don’t agree with what I see, perceive or hear. I can also build myself a “stage” in my head, disguising reality, often because of my fear of seeing reality head on and also because the reality that surrounds me depresses me.

So, I have less pleasure in living, I no longer have the feeling of being in security. Sadness can invade me. I no longer have the pleasure of fighting. The depression is gradually taking over me, and I want to cut myself off from this world that only brings me sorrow, frustration, anxiety. I must learn to see life under a new day. Accept that I cannot live in a perfect world but that any situation is perfect because each situation allows me draw a lesson

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D4 = the fourth dorsal vertebra D4 refers to pleasures, desires, temptations frequently unsatisfied. Sometimes my expectations are excessive, lack even realism and I become irritable, choleric because “my wishes” are not fulfilled. I’m angry with the life, my environment. Deep down inside of me, I feel such a great emptiness, usually affective, that I have depressive tendencies and the only way I know of to balance this state of being and bring something “spicy” into my life is to create a state of excitement, either naturally. or artificially. I can practice sports of strong emotions (skydiving, mountaineering, etc.) or I can take drugs to put myself in a state of ecstasy and temporary well-being. Thus I take refuge in an imaginary world, protected from everyone. However, I am not sheltered from the emotions that I have inhibited and from which I have tried to escape. In appearance I can be very free, but in reality, I am imprisoned in my anger, my sorrows, my frustrations, and by my fear of being suffocated by the love of others, because I never knew how to recognize it and accept it. So, I have a tendency to reject others. I object, I stay distant and feed this gutter with my bad mood, my attitude

depressive. It is important that I recognize and accept my emotions in order to to be able to integrate them and allow myself to fully live my life. When D4 this affected, a difficulty with the gallbladder may also follow.

D5 = the fifth thoracic vertebra D5 is touched when I turn to find myself in a situation where I feel like I am losing control. I I then feel destabilized. I may even be in a state of panic. This occurs in particular on the affective level in relation to my spouse, a family member, a close friend, etc. This control is sometimes hides under the guise of “wanting to help someone”, “guide him”, “help him in his difficulties”, but deep down, I exercise control to with this person, being in a position of “force” even unconsciously.

If things don’t go the way I want them to, I can become frustrated, critical, impatient and even angry, and D5 will react violently. I want to give myself an image of “tough to crack” who has a “broad back” and who “is capable of carry”. But, deep down, I know that I carry too much shoulders, which It leads me to be insecure, anguished, in rebellion against my environment that I do responsible for my discomfort. I have great ambitions, which makes me sometimes deviate from my deep values ​​and act in contradiction with them.
