6 succulent reasons to drink natural rose water

We all know roses, those seductive flowers of intense red color. But how many drink rose water? Sometimes eating or drinking something completely natural can scare us. However, nature has so many benefits to offer that from now on you will only want to refill your bottle with groceries.

Rose comes from the rose family (Rosaceae) and is commonly noted for its delicious aroma. Today, many people use the scent of roses in thousands of products. However, their smell is not the only extraordinary thing that these plants have.

Roses contain components such as terpenes, glycosides, flavonoids and anthocyanins, which are used to create a drink from the flower or an essential for medicinal purposes. Some of its uses are as an analgesic, anticonvulsant, bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory or to treat stress or pain.

One of its most popular uses today is as a facial soothing, but this time you will not only want to use it on your face but you will also want to drink it, after knowing all the benefits of drinking a glass of rose water daily.

6 reasons to drink rose water

  • Moisturizes the skin from within and makes it look healthy.

  • Improves mood and relieves stress and depression.

  • Relieves digestion problems, abdominal bloating or upset stomach.

  • Heals colds and sore throats, thanks to its bronchodilator effect.

  • Relieves fluid retention and inflammation in the body.

  • It works as a natural relaxant.

  • How to prepare your homemade water

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    Boil about ten rose petals in natural water for 10 minutes. Make sure they are very clean when you let them soak. Once the water boils, turn it off and let it sit. You can store your water in the refrigerator to drink in the morning or heat it up for a relaxing tea before .