+50 Phrases about the power of the mind – To reflect!

The mind is one of the most powerful weapons that the human being has, since through thoughts we can build great things or, on the contrary, stop our progress, especially if we only focus on negative thoughts. . Therefore, it is necessary to understand that the only way to control the mind is by recognizing its immense power.

In fact, the power of the mind is a topic that has generated many debates throughout history to try to understand and channel the impact that thoughts have in all areas of life. In this Psychology-Online article, we have selected the best phrases about the power of the mind so that you can find the inspiration you need and transform your limiting thoughts into empowering ones.

Famous phrases about the power of the mind

Philosophers, speakers and different researchers have always analyzed the power that the mind has in people’s lives. In their contributions they left a series of reflections, thoughts and phrases that refer to the impact that our thoughts have in physical and mental health. If you want to read the most famous phrases about the power of the mind, don’t miss this magnificent selection:

  1. The empires that will be in the future are the empires of the mind. .
  2. What the mind can conceive and believe can surely be achieved. Napoleon Hill.
  3. The mind is everything, it is what you think about and what you become. Buddha.
  4. What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds. Wayne Dyer.
  5. There is no greater treasure than the mind. Therefore, it is something that you should use very well. Anonymous.
  6. Well-focused mental power is one of the most powerful things on Earth. Mark Victor Hansen.
  7. Most of us will be as happy as our minds tell us to be. .
  8. If you can dream it you can do it. .
  9. The mind is its own place and, in itself, it can make a heaven out of hell, a hell out of heaven. John Milton.
  10. The mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it to see a better world. Amit Ray.
  11. With our thoughts, we create the world. Buddha.
  12. The mind and knowledge are the greatest powers of the human being. Francis Bacom.
  13. Ask and everything will be given to you. Believe and everything will happen. Jesus of Nazareth.
  14. Only in the mind is what makes you rich or poor, happy or sad. Up to you. Edmund Spencer.
  15. The body only does and achieves what the mind orders it to do. Anonymous.
  16. Whatever you think, so it will be. .
  17. The worst battles are those fought in your own mind. Anonymous.
  18. When your mind is filled with positive thoughts you will be able to face any adversity. Lailah Gifty.
  19. The mind is like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the more it will expand. Idowu Koyenikan.
  20. Anyone can change their life by changing their thoughts. William James.
  21. Be careful what you think and speak, because they can become the prophecy of your life. San Francisco de Asis.

Positive phrases about the power of the mind

One of the best strategies to improve as a person in all aspects of life is change perspective. Therefore, if you think that you will always do poorly, there is a good chance that this will be the case, but if you believe in your abilities, success will come sooner rather than later. Next, we leave you the best positive phrases about the power of the mind:

  1. When we open our minds to the beautiful things around us, life becomes more positive.
  2. When you clear your mind, the doors open for what you want.
  3. All power is at your fingertips and within you.
  4. There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more concentrated you are, the more power you exert over a point. Swami Vivekananda.
  5. Everything begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to depends only on you.
  6. Nothing is good or bad. It is thought that makes it so.
  7. Recognize that your mind is what gives you the power. Don’t let anyone manipulate it.
  8. The mind has exactly the same power as the hands; not just to grab the world, but to change it. Colin Wilson.
  9. Cultivate your mind with positive thoughts. When you believe in great things, you will achieve great things.
  10. The mind is a mirror that can be adjusted. Adjust it so you see a better world.
  11. You have the power in your mind to achieve your goals, become the person you want to be, AND live the life of your dreams. Zlatoslava Petrak.
  12. When you think about health, you will have health. When you think of prosperity, you will have prosperity.
  13. Once you discover the great power of your thinking, you will only focus on positive thoughts.
  14. The first step to being happy is to imagine it.
  15. The best weapon against stress and anxiety is to choose positive thoughts over negative ones.
  16. Don’t let your own mind be your prison. Rather, turn it into the stage in which you live your greatest achievements.
  17. The mind has an incredible power to attract positive things.
  18. If you recognize the power of your mind, you can program it for success.
  19. You have power over your mind, not over external events. .

Phrases about the power of the subconscious mind

Although the subconscious mind does not reason, it controls most human actions. In fact, it is the one that has the power to transform or create our own reality, since it receives what your conscious mind tells it and accepts it as an unobjectionable truth. With the following phrases about the power of the subconscious mind you will enhance your thoughts so that they work in your favor.

  1. Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and feed with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality. Earl Nightingale.
  2. When the subconscious mind must choose between deep-seated emotions and logic, the emotions will almost always win. T. Harv Eker
  3. Once the subconscious mind takes over, your plan will become a reality.
  4. For you to have great achievements, keep your subconscious full of positive expectations.
  5. The reason man can chart his own destiny is because he has the power to influence his subconscious mind. Napoleon Hill.
  6. The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life. Joseph Murphy.
  7. When you get your conscious mind and your conscious mind to agree, that is when you will be truly happy.
  8. Achievement comes out of the fire in our subconscious mind. APJ Abdul Kalam.
  9. By changing the direction of thoughts in your subconscious mind, you also change your own destiny.
  10. Your subconscious mind is not controlled, but rather you set out to change the course of your conscious mind.
  11. The subconscious mind feeds on emotions and repetitions. Harness that power to achieve what you want.
  12. Never forget that your subconscious mind does not have the ability to identify what is real from what is imagined. Bob Proctor.
  13. To make your dreams come true you just have to guide your subconscious mind to get there.
  14. There is a lot of power to put into the universe. He is telling your subconscious mind, this is what is going to happen. Reba McEntire.

If you want to learn to create a new reality with your mind, we recommend reading the book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”, a classic of self-help literature written by Joseph Murphy, ideal for all those people looking for improve your life and achieve your goals through changing your thought patterns and subconscious beliefs. Do not miss it!

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.


  • Ollé Borgue, AM (2010). Spiritual Intelligence. Global Magazine, 36. Recovered from: http://revista.global/inteligencia-espiritual/
  • Soler, J., and Conangla, MM (2003). The art of positively transforming emotions. The emotional ecology. Barcelona: Amat.
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