5 realities of living with bipolar disorder

live with ait is awful. It’s hard to explain to people who don’t suffer from it. Even those of us who have it are not able to fully understand this detestable disease. One minute we think we have it under control, that we are able to predict our patterns. Moments later we experience emotions and moods that are completely unfamiliar. Sometimes these new feelings are wonderful and feel longer than life. Then we feel like we won’t be able to breathe deeply again. Despite the enigma surrounding bipolar disorder, there are simple realities that we as patients have to accept.

  1. There’s no cure

I should say that there is “yet” no cure. Numerous studies are being carried out to find exactly what causes bipolar disorder. From genetics to and psychiatry, the effort to better understand this disease is progressing. For now, however, we rely on treatment rather than cure. This includes medication and therapy. There are a variety of medication combinations available to help us achieve as much stability as possible, but we will probably have to take them for the rest of our lives.

It may take a while to see positive changes with treatment, but stick with it.

  1. Need help

If you are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it means you have a condition. It doesn’t mean you’re weak or damaged. If you had irritable bowel syndrome, you would go to the doctor. They would give you medication and a list of things you can change about your lifestyle to reduce your symptoms. The same thing applies here, it’s just a different kind of specialist. Please don’t go see your gastroenterologist about your bipolar disorder.

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It may take a while to see positive changes with treatment, but stick with it. In the meantime, build your treatment team. Review your treatment options and make sure you have social support to help you through difficult times. Don’t reject their help and don’t hate them for trying.

  1. It can get worse

This is probably my biggest fear. For the most part, I’m very functional now, but there always seems to be something peeking around the corner that could undo that.

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If you’ve experienced a manic episode, you can almost be guaranteed another one. Psychosis is a major part of bipolar disorder, with almost 60% of patients experiencing a loss of contact with reality at some point in their lives. Hospitalization for depression is also a possibility, especially considering that 50% of patients with personality disorders attempt suicide at least once.

Your bipolar disorder can get worse, but the best way to prevent that from happening is to take your medications and follow your treatment plan.

  1. He rarely arrives alone

The vast majority of people with bipolar disorder (we’re talking about 95%) have more than one illness. This other illness also tends to be psychological. The most common are substance abuse (60%), anxiety (50%), ADHD (30%), personality disorders such as borderline disorder (20%) and eating disorders (14%).

There are also physical illnesses that are comorbid with personality disorders. Some of these include migraines, heart disease, type II diabetes, asthma, and arthritis.

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If you’ve experienced a manic episode, you can almost be guaranteed another one.

  1. “Frustrating” is putting it mildly.

I’m one of those people who gets migraines. I also have asthma. These are illnesses I have to live with. I don’t always have migraines (thankfully), but I always have my bipolar disorder. It touches everything, every day.

Even when your bipolar disorder symptoms are under control, you have to constantly monitor what you are feeling and doing so as not to trigger an episode. When depression and mania strike, you have to fight to maintain some control.

Manic and super irritated because no one is as competent as you? Depressed and wishing you had enough energy to take a shower? There are (possibly literally) voices in your head trying to distort your reality. You begin to question every feeling you have had and every action you have taken.

At one point, you’re not even sure what it means to be “you.”

Article by LaRae LaBouff, assigned for translation and publication in Spanish to . Translation made by Alejandra Alonso.