24 movies recommended by experts to lift your spirits

If on days when you feel low in spirit you turn to the movies to distract yourself, we have a list of movies that psychologists recommend, and some viewers who were part of a study. Would you add any?

Who hasn’t had their days affected by their mood? The confinement, the fear of the risk of contagion, the loss of a close person, unemployment, the distance that relationships took, and so on, increased one’s own insecurity. It is not for less.

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This is why several specialists have mentioned the importance of caring for emotionsto talk to someone, to do some type of exerciseto eat well, sleep the indicated hoursreduce work stress, dedicate time to be with family and peace with oneself through some hobbies.

Reading, series, movies, television or music () They can be great allies, for that reason, the magazine Projections presented a list of films that can help improve this aspect, according to a study by . Because? They offer humor, do not have drastic plot twists and increase endorphins. Key aspects, according to several psychologists.

The study investigated which feel-good films, as judged by 450 viewers, to be prototypical and what factors constitute their feel-good effect.

Critics often dismiss “feel-good movies” as sentimental and lacking intellectual merit.. But their popularity among the public, who seek them out precisely for their “feel-good” qualities, tells a more favorable story. For the first time, this popular film genre has been scientifically examined. The results indicate that the Romantic comedies have a particularly high potential for emotional uplift”, mentions the information from the study.

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“In addition to an element of humor and the classic happy ending, feel-good movies can be identified by certain patterns and recurring characters – explains Keyvan Sarkhosh, studio leader and first author – They are often outsiders in search of true love, who have to prove themselves and fight against adverse circumstances.and who finally find their role in the community.

Which are?

  1. Amelie (2001)
  2. Spell of Time (1993)
  3. Paddington 2 (2017)
  4. Singin’ in the Rain (1952)
  5. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
  6. The Princess Bride (1987)
  7. My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
  8. When Harry Met Sally (1989)
  9. Sing Street (2016)
  10. A Fun Expert (1986)

Study participants agreed that while these movies can be sentimental, They are not cheesy and, above all, they were technically well done. Another feature that stood out is the dramatic moments, which tend to have a strong emotional effect on viewers.

Other films, this time recommended by psychologists

  1. In Pursuit of Happiness (2006)
  2. Extraordinary (2017)
  3. Billy Elliot (2000)
  4. The Choir Boys (2004)
  5. Life is Beautiful (1997)
  6. Luke (2021)
  7. Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
  8. The Peaceful Warrior (2006)
  9. Rocky Balboa (2006)
  10. Wizard of Oz (1939)
  11. Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
  12. Angel-A (2005)
  13. Girls Plan (2017)
  14. Captain Fantastic (2016)