15 REMEDIES to SLEEP in one go – Fast and deep!

If you are one of those people who wonder “why can’t I sleep through the night?”, we advise you to continue reading this Psychology-Online article. You will learn about possible causes of why you cannot sleep well and how you can get better sleep. You’ll find 15 remedies to sleep straight. Surely by changing some habits you will be able to sleep better!

Why don’t I sleep through the night?

Why can’t I sleep straight at night? Many people wonder this every day and the causes of insomnia and other sleep disorders can be various and must be identified in time. Why don’t I sleep often? A symptom always has a cause that originates it. It can be a physical, emotional, biochemical cause…

In the case of insomnia, it could be a medical origin, due to a certain disease or a hormonal disorder. However, the majority of people who sleep poorly do not have any medical justification and therefore the fact of not sleeping straight is caused by the mental stress (related to self-demand, control, perfectionism, etc.) or having bad habits.

What to do if I can’t sleep straight away? First of all, I advise you that if you are taking any type of drug, check its side effects. Some antihypertensives, corticosteroids or antidepressants can have insomnia as a side effect.

You may also be woken up by sounds, lights, heat or cold… It is important to condition the room and have a good mattress and bedding to sleep well. Kipli proposes the a duvet made of plant materials that provides warmth and comfort.

The importance of rest

Many people have problems sleeping, many of them due to the high stress we are exposed to today. Poor sleep negatively affects our health, mood and productivity. The quality of sleep directly affects the quality of your life!

During sleep, the body rests and the mind recovers. In the brain, very important processes related to memory and learning are carried out. For all these reasons, it is very important to have good sleep hygiene and rest between 7 and 8 hours each night.

Home remedies to sleep straight

What to do to sleep all night at a stretch? What you do during the day influences how you sleep at night. A few small changes in habits can be the best remedy. Let’s look at some habits and home remedies to sleep better.

  1. Maintain a regular schedule. If your alarm clock rings at the same time every morning, your brain internalizes when it needs to be most active. The same thing happens at night: if you have a regular bedtime, your body has a much easier time relaxing.
  2. Avoid sleeping during the day. If you have trouble falling asleep, it’s better not to take a nap. And if you do it, let it be no more than 20 minutes.
  3. Practice exercise. Practicing physical exercise regularly will help you sleep well. It is better to do it in the morning but if you can only do it in the afternoon, allow at least 4 hours to pass before going to sleep: if you exercise too late you may become too active and the state of excitement does not favor sleep.
  4. Avoid drinking caffeine in the afternoon. Did you know that it takes our body eight hours to eliminate caffeine from a cup of coffee?
  5. Avoid drinking alcohol hours before going to bed. Alcohol causes drowsiness but affects the quality of sleep, preventing you from enjoying deep sleep.
  6. Take infusions. Infusions of valerian, lime blossom, poppy, among others, are advisable to relax. In this article, we talk about .
  7. Disconnect from technology before going to bed. Avoid the computer, cell phone or TV until late as they increase your alertness.
  8. How to sleep straight? Go to the bathroom before going to bed so that the urge to go to the bathroom does not interrupt your sleep.
  9. Don’t eat dinner too late and avoid heavy dinners. Yogurt, milk and banana are foods rich in tryptophan and can help you fall asleep.
  10. Practice relaxation techniques before going to sleep, such as diaphragmatic breathing or muscle relaxation. Discover more here.
  11. Control the temperature of the room: neither cold nor hot. The temperature should be between 17 and 22º C.
  12. Silence. Isolate your room or try earplugs so noise doesn’t interrupt your sleep.
  13. Don’t look at the time. Looking at the time will only make you more nervous thinking about how long it takes you to sleep or how much time you have left to get up.
  14. Solve your pending “tasks” (pending conversations, asking for forgiveness, sharing something, paying off a debt…).
  15. Try to decrease your need for control. Reducing your mental stress will allow your mind to enter a rest process.
  16. Discover what generates tension in you Regarding your personality: “I am very responsible”, “I am very insecure”, “I need everything to be perfect”…
  17. Reserve a space for yourself, without obligations or responsibilities. Spend a few minutes listening to music that allows you to balance your energy, play sports or enjoy your favorite activities.

Your body needs rest to regain its energy. Sleeping well benefits you in every way. Shall we start?

If, despite everything, you still cannot sleep well, you could be suffering from a condition that requires the consultation of a specialist.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Llamazares, E. Anti-insomnia guide. Live without mental stress.
  • Estivill, E. (1999). Sleeping without rest: Sleep disorders. Barcelona.
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