15 Colors for feng shui and how to use them in the home

Feng shui is a popular practice today, which has been carried out since ancient times, based on a Chinese philosophical system. This tries to occupy the spaces, such that it is harmonious and positive for those who live or visit it.

However, the location of each piece of furniture, decorative accessory or object in general is not the only important thing, also the colors used in feng shui.

Colors in feng shui

In feng shui colors are divided by elements, which are fire, earth, metal, water and wood, since each tone is associated with one of them. To get good energy from the elements, you must know how to use them:

Colors of the fire element 火

The element of fire is widely associated with summer, the activation of energy and luminosity. That touch of fire allows the place to come alive:

  • Red. It is excellent for redirecting energy as it represents vitality, passion and warmth. Since red is a striking color, it is recommended to use it in the correct proportion so that it does not saturate.
  • Orange. We know that orange is a vibrant color, also striking and very cheerful. To create a much bolder place, add orange to generate good energy.
  • Pink. It is related, on the one hand, to romance and love. On the other hand, it is noted as the color of feminine energy. It is not appropriate to activate the opposite energy, that is, the masculine.
  • Purple. It is probably one of the least used colors compared to the previous ones, but in feng shui it is useful for elevating spirituality and spirit.
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Colors of the earth element 土

For its part, the earth element is tranquility, stability and balance. For moments of change of any kind, keep it in mind to add it:

  • Brown. It is the earthly color of the earth, being comforting, since it causes tranquility in those who see it. If possible, use it in its natural material, on furniture and objects.
  • Beige. It is considered a dirty white or a very light brown, and its use results in relaxation, calm and neutrality of the places in which it is implemented.
  • Yellow. It symbolizes the solar star being radiant, and the relationship they have, it is a revitalizing and stimulating in all its tones. Be careful though, too much yellow is disturbing.

Colors of the metal element 金

The metal provides an energy of autumn times, in the same way, it works well to improve discipline, concentration and leadership:

  • Golden. Also called gold color, this too much gives the idea of ​​vanity and luxury, which can be great for certain places. Other aspects that you can add with gold are relevance and happiness.
  • Silver. Of all of them, it is the one that most represents metals, and it is widely used in details of said material for decoration so that it fulfills a function, elegance and charm.
  • White. White in all its proportions causes that feeling of cleanliness, being mostly dominant on the walls. In addition, it is purity and freedom, fantastic to combine with other colors.
  • Grey. There are more negative meanings that are known about this one. However, small objects or gray areas equal professionalism, seriousness, discretion, commitment and calm.
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Colors of the water element 水

It is not difficult to determine that water is synonymous with calm and fluidity, as well as winter, this touch being fundamental for good movement in terms of energy:

  • Blue. In all shades of blue, it has the power to generate peace, balance, calm and serenity. If you know how to play with blue you can visually create larger spaces.
  • Black. In feng shui black is indicated for protection, mystery and class. It should not be a dominant color, but rather be present as details, unless it is furniture.

Colors of the wood element 木

Wood is an element that characterizes the spring season, a fact from which connotations such as warmth, comfort and good ascending energies are derived:

  • Green. We are talking about another color representative of nature, which in itself is capable of transmitting abundance, growth and balance. So that prosperity is always present, implement green.
  • Turquoise. Present in many ways in nature, the color turquoise is calming and refreshing. Two great aspects to enjoy from the philosophy of feng shui.