130 POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Phrases – Short and motivating

The mind is a very powerful tool that serves to transform our reality and our environment. Therefore, it is important to recognize that positive thoughts and beliefs make words have a great effect on our well-being and help release the emotional stress that we accumulate inside.

It is not about denying the existence of difficulties, but about putting into practice some strategies that provide greater motivation to live happier and healthier lives. In this sense, positive psychology phrases give energy, present a different side to situations, enhance feelings and, ultimately, give energy to our body. So that you can find the inspiration you need, in this Psychology-online article, we present you 130 positive psychology phrases.

Short positive psychology phrases

The term positive psychology emerged in the late 1990s, hand in hand with the speech presented by the president of the American Psychological Association (APA), Martin Seligman, at the 1998 world convention of psychologists.

However, ancient philosophers and psychologists, such as Aristotle or Carl Rogers, already made reference in their research work to the need to focus on psychology as a means to enhance the healthy and positive aspects of the human being and, in this way, increase your satisfaction and achieve full happiness.

In this sense, one of the best strategies to discover our potential is to use positive psychology phrases that help. In addition, short positive psychology phrases serve to remind the brain that not everything is bad and that it is very important to stay positive at all times.

Next, let’s see a selection of the best short positive psychology phrases:

  1. The true secret of human existence is knowing what we live for. Dostoyevsky.
  2. A joyful life is an individual creation that you cannot copy from others. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
  3. Love is a micro moment of warmth that you share with other living beings. Barbara L. Fredrickson.
  4. The good life is a process. Not just a state of being. Carl Rogers.
  5. Love and happiness are to people, what water and the sun are to plants. Jonathan Haidt.
  6. There is no day more valuable than today. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
  7. People need each other. The sooner we learn it, the better. Erik Erikson.
  8. Life is not about having more, but about living. Nick Vujicic.
  9. Being vulnerable does not mean weakness. That myth is very dangerous. Brene Brown.
  10. The best exercise is to be honest with yourself. .
  11. As long as you know who you are, you shouldn’t prove anything to anyone. Anonymous.
  12. Find the joy within and the pain will go away. Joseph Campbell.
  13. Turn every wall that comes your way into steps to climb. Anonymous.
  14. Remember: everything is learned by trial and error. Walter Riso.
  15. You should always open your mind, before your mouth. Aristophanes.
  16. Birds can stay in their nests, but their wings are not made for that. Anonymous.
  17. If you can inspire someone, you are already great. Kobe Bryant.
  18. You have more value than you yourself believe. Dale Carnegie.
  19. A thousand forests are born from the simplest acorn. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
  20. What you really want will be. James Rouse.
  21. Learn from the past, take advantage of the present and prepare for the future.
  22. Life is a fluid and changing process, in which nothing is fixed. Carl Rogers.
  23. When I accept what I am, I will become what I could be. Lao Tzu.
  24. The most dangerous words are “never”, “everything”, “nothing” and “always”. And it’s because they never leave options. Walter Riso.
  25. Good things always happen. Only we don’t see them. Anne Wilson Schaef.
  26. In life sometimes you win and other times you learn. John Maxwell.
  27. Walk towards the sun and the clouds will follow you. Walt Whitman.
  28. Fears do not stop death, but life. Elisabeth Kübler Ross.
  29. Give yourself a chance. Aaron Beck.
  30. Take advantage of ideas while they last. Santiago Ramón y Caja.
  31. The message you send is not always the one that is received. Virgina Satir.
  32. The only thing that is certain is that anyone can improve their well-being. Carl Rogers.
  33. When I open myself up I am more effective. Carl Rogers.
  34. Everything is impossible until someone does it. .
  35. A bright day does not depend on the sun, but on your attitude. Anonymous.
  36. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Stars are born from chaos. .
  37. If you want to find someone who will change your life, you just have to look in the mirror. Anonymous.
  38. Educate children to be happy. ML.
  39. You are never too old to have new dreams. C.S. Lewis.
  40. If life gives you lemons, then make lemonade. Popular proverb.
  41. Happiness is not a “something.” It comes from your actions. Anonymous.
  42. A positive attitude is stronger than any drug. Patricia Neal.
  43. If you give your best, you won’t regret it. George Halas.
  44. All people can change themselves. Albert Ellis.
  45. The triumph of people arises from the ashes of mistakes. .

Positive psychology phrases for children

From early childhood, effective emotional education must be provided so that boys and girls learn to manage their feelings, attitudes, mistakes and emotions.

Although there are many strategies to reinforce virtues in infants, positive psychology phrases are very practical, since they are easy to remember and internalize. Additionally, they can raise your self-esteem, strengthen your values and help them. Now, let’s look at some special positive psychology phrases for children:

  1. It’s always worth fighting for what you want. Anonymous.
  2. The better you feel about yourself, the less you will have the ability to show it. Robert Hand.
  3. Choose your own adventure.
  4. Loving yourself is the best adventure you will have in life. .
  5. We will always be proud of you.
  6. You are amazing and special.
  7. You are not responsible for the emotions, but you are responsible for what you do with them. Jorge Bucay.
  8. Changes come with a jolt. Don’t think it’s the end of the world, but the beginning of something better. Anonymous.
  9. The wise seek wisdom, the fools think they have already found it. Napoleon Bonaparte.
  10. It’s never too late to be what you want to be. George Eliot.
  11. In life you can always choose the version of yourself you want to be. .
  12. Nothing happens by chance, nor is everything about luck. Behind every small success there is dedicated effort. Don’t be afraid to fight for your dreams. Richard Bach.
  13. There is no greater happiness than accepting yourself and trying to be better every day. Carl Rogers.
  14. Education is what survives when you forget what you learned. B.F. Skinner.
  15. People do not fail, but they give up trying. Og Mandino.
  16. If you don’t like something, just change it. And if you don’t get what you want, then change your attitude. Maya Angelou.
  17. If you never dedicate yourself to what you love, you will never know what could have been. Amy Winehouse.
  18. Revenge makes you equal to your enemy, but forgiving him makes you a better person than him. Francis Bacon.
  19. You will always be what you choose to be. Carl Rogers.
  20. Everything looks better when you look at your heart. Anonymous.
  21. If you want a different result, don’t always do the same thing. Albert Einstein.
  22. Positive people turn their challenges into obstacles. Anonymous.
  23. Always make sure that what you do, say and think are in harmony. .
  24. Try to make your smile change the world. But never let the world change your smile. Michele Stiles.
  25. Recognize that not everyone thinks the same, and that doesn’t have to be a negative thing. Howard Gardner.
  26. To live is to be born every moment. Erich Fromm.
  27. Trusting yourself is not synonymous with success, but failing to do so is a sure failure. Albert Bandura.
  28. Intelligence is what you use when you don’t know what you should do. Take advantage of that gift. Jean Piaget.
  29. When you accept yourself as you are, you can start to change. Carl Rogers.
  30. Patience is bitter, but its fruits are very sweet. Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
  31. When we educate conscience, the world will begin to change. Claudio Naranjo.
  32. The most important thing is not to always be safe, but to learn to tolerate insecurity. .
  33. The first virtue of happiness is learning to face the unknown. Jacques Lacan.
  34. The best use of life is to spend it being happy. William James.
  35. Nothing can be done without having hope. Therefore, optimism is the force that leads to achievement. Helen Keller.
  36. Learning something new will always be a great gift. Even when pain has been the teacher. Maya Watson.
  37. What you should be is what you gradually become.
  38. Almost everyone thinks about changing the world, but few people think about changing themselves. Alexei Tolstoy.
  39. Happiness is not a destination, it is the path. Anonymous.
  40. Become the best you can be. Carol S. Dweck.
  41. It is important that you be grateful every day for the wonderful things in life. Barry Schwartz.
  42. Ideas are important, but experiences are better. Anonymous.

Motivating positive psychology phrases

Words have the great power to destroy or create. In fact, there are phrases that have the potential to improve our daily lives, as they give us an additional boost to see circumstances in a more positive way.

In this section you will see a compilation of motivational positive psychology phrases that serve to inspire you to improve your self-concept and the perception you have of life:

  1. True gratitude goes beyond a simple “thank you.” It’s about accepting that there is a source of goodness in our lives. Robert Emmons.
  2. Crises are opportunities to make profound changes. Paul Romer.
  3. The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched: they are felt with the heart. Helen Keller.
  4. When you start believing in yourself, not even the sky will be your limit. Anonymous.
  5. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but you always learn. Beni Sola.
  6. Life gives the same circumstances to pessimists and optimists. Only the latter know how to manage them better. Martin Seligman.
  7. Even if the world turns gray, when I look at people I am always optimistic. Carl Rogers.
  8. If today were the last day of my life, I would ask myself: is what I do the last thing I want to do? If the answer is no, I will know that something needs to change. .
  9. Laugh every day and you won’t have wasted a minute of your life. Anonymous.
  10. When hopes arise, the heart knows very well what it should do. Haruki Murakami.
  11. What doesn’t kill you, surely makes you stronger. Nietzsche.
  12. The best way to know what will happen to you in the future is to create it with effort. .
  13. There is no better way to forget the bad things in life than to always remember the good things. Mark Amend.
  14. Do not despair. Every day brings with it new options. Martha Beck.
  15. When you get used to positive thinking, you realize that you have impressive potential. Zig Ziglar.
  16. Stop imagining and start living the life you have wanted. Henry James.
  17. If you get used to having a passive mind, you will never find your true potential. Jean Piaget.
  18. In love and madness there is always some reason. .
  19. When you change the way you see things, the things you see will change. (Wayne Dyer.
  20. Fill yourself with positive thoughts. Remember that our life is the result of dominant thoughts. Emma Goldman.
  21. The important thing is not to stop feeling emotions, but to know how to manage them to make the most of them. Jonathan García-Allen.
  22. Persist until you reach…
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