12 ways to be an INTERESTING PERSON – Discover how to be one with the best guidelines

Interesting people are characterized because everyone wants to be with them, they create a good network of personal connections and can maintain those relationships over time. Learning to attract the attention of those around us is easier than it actually seems, we all have the potential to do it. It’s just about knowing how to differentiate yourself and putting into practice certain social skills that everyone will love.

In this Psychology-Online article we will teach you how to how to be an interesting person with 12 very effective strategies. If you apply our guidelines and recommendations, you will become someone magnetic that everyone will enjoy and want to be with.

Avoid boring with long and monotonous conversations

Nobody likes to be with someone who talks and talks about his or her own things and ideas non-stop, and even less so if it is about technical and boring topics that he or she only understands. Therefore, to become a really interesting person you must learn to decipher what your receivers want to hear.

For example, if you notice that you have already spoken for more than 5 minutes and no one intervened or asked you a question, it is best to stop the conversation to change the topic. Likewise, it is good that you be brief in your stories and avoid, at all costs, that your ego and vanity take control of your words. Otherwise, the effect will be completely opposite to what you are looking for.

Learn new and interesting skills

What is it like to be interesting? Another strategy to become someone like this is to learn certain skills that help others or attract their attention. This way, the people around you will know that you are someone useful and that you can contribute to them in some way.

Obviously, to learn new things you have to put aside laziness and find a way to acquire new skills that are useful and attractive. That is, you must investigate new ideas and become an active learner every day of your life.

Value the opinions of others

If you want to be a really interesting person that people remember and are attracted to, you have to appreciate the opinions of others, be curious, original and never leave those around you behind.

Furthermore, many studies indicate that the most interesting people are not those who talk the most or monopolize conversations, but rather those who know appreciate and listen to others.

In this way, if you want to learn how to be an interesting person for a man or a woman, collect certain clues about what others like so that you can intervene with a topic that they like.

Be interested in others and show empathy

How to be an interesting person to talk to? A very assertive strategy is show empathy, respect and care to the people. In fact, 80% of the way is won when you identify with the interests and needs of the people who are with you.

Try to ask questions about what they like, about their plans and projects. Of course, never start comparing their plans with yours, since you will sound self-centered. It is best to practice active listening and intervene only when necessary.

Say yes to all invitations

Do you want to become an interesting person and have everyone want to be with you? So, start saying yes to all the invitations they make to you.

We know this may sound exhausting, but if you start to expand your circle of friends and you stop being introverted, little by little you will fill your life with experiences that will help you improve your skills.

Promote your personal security

Many people confuse being physically attractive with being interesting. The reality is that they are two very different things. Do you want to learn how to be interesting to a woman or a man? The first step is to believe in yourself and work on your self-esteem.

Once you have complete confidence in your abilities, you will become a radiant person who leaves good energy wherever you go.

Enrich your general culture

While it is true that people whose conversations are monotonous become boring, it is also true that to be interesting you must increase your level of general culture. That is, you must learn new thingsimportant topics, read a lot and be aware of what is happening today.

This way, you will always have a range of alternatives to make your conversations attractive and not so boring.

Tell stories that “engage”

Being an interesting person also consists of being able to share engaging stories and experiences with the rest. To be interesting, you also have to keep your curiosity at its maximum, learning new skills, trying new activities and asking lots of questions.

Although it is not easy to learn to tell stories that keep everyone alert and curious, it is something that you learn with practice. Furthermore, this strategy goes hand in hand with the previous one, since when we increase the level of general culture, we will have many good stories to tell.

Learn to ask the right questions

How do you know if you are an interesting person? The key is to see that those listening to you participate in your conversation. In this sense, ask appropriate questions that include people’s interests.

Remember that you should not focus on talking only about topics related to you, but that you should cover the things that those around you like to show empathy.

It is good that you ask reflective (non-intrusive) questions such as: what do you think? Would you agree? What would you have done?, among others. Besides, listen actively the answers you receive, but without questioning the point of view of others.

Have a good sense of humor

This is a key point to develop if you want to be an interesting person, since a good sense of humor is a sign that you are someone with whom you can establish a good long-term relationship.

Furthermore, the happy and fun people They will always be in the focus of attention because they can control their emotions and are not complicated by the points of view of others. Click on the following title if you want to learn.

Take example from interesting people

Nothing better than the example of those who are already interesting people to take your strategies from. Therefore, spend time with someone you admire so that little by little you acquire some of their patterns.

Yes indeed, never lose your originality because you would go from being someone interesting to being a copy of someone else, and that is not what you are looking for.

Practice spontaneity

One of the most important things to be an interesting person is to be spontaneous. You may feel a little scared at first, especially for fear of what other people will say. However, when you gain confidence, you will learn to interact naturallyand that is something that draws a lot of attention.

Finally, be what you want to project. That is, do not fake a personality or character that you do not possess, since in the long run that can be very counterproductive, since you will stop being original.

If you follow these simple tips, you will see that others will consider you one of the most interesting people they have ever met. However, we recommend that you read to learn more about the topic.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • David Fischman. (2000). The mirror of a leader. Recovered at: https://www.academia.edu/45623989/El_espejo_del_lider_David_Fischman
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