10 tricks to detect “negative energy” in your home

These are moments when the energy in the world is intense, so that black cloud of condensed energy can reach the home and that is when strange things begin to happen: fights increase, light bulbs burn, ornaments and glasses break, leaves are left behind. If the appliances don’t work, we don’t sleep well, a damp spot appears in an inhospitable part of the house, there are bad odors without any explanation, inexplicable cold in places in the house, plants and pets get sick, pests abound, we suffer from fatigue extreme, we feel that “someone is watching us”, blockages appear in abundance and the economy. These are all signs that something is “weird.”

Water is a conductor of energy, cleans, heals and speaks to the flow of our emotions.

Every day place a bowl of water in the area of ​​the house where there is more movement, observe at the end of the day how the water in the bowl is filled with bubbles (or not). Then you are going to dispose of that liquid in the sewer.

You can also put a bowl or glass of water under your bed at night to rest better. The more bubbles you find the next day, the busier the space!

Garlic, apart from having healing properties, also has esoteric properties. Since ancient times it has been used to ward off bad influences, negative energies and bad spirits. Many cultures considered garlic to be a powerful healer, and it was used in rituals to ward off feelings of darkness.

As grandmothers did, it is good to hang a string of garlic behind the door of the home, as well as have a head of garlic at home. If the head sprouts, it is time to hand it over to the earth and change it for a new one, the work is already done.

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Salt is a purifying element, generally used in cleansing baths. Vinegar is an acidic element and, as such, cleans and purifies negative energies, and for many beliefs it is the great liberator of astral larvae. Our grandmothers already said it when they cleaned their floors with it.

For this ritual you are going to get a glass jar, the ideal ones are yogurt ones, and a small plate (that can be thrown away if necessary). In the clean jar, you are going to put ¾ of coarse salt and add ¼ of white alcohol vinegar, you are going to place the plate underneath.

This is a great dense energy detector. You will see that as the days go by, the salt will come out of the jar and the vinegar will evaporate.

It is possible, depending on the degree of energetic dirt, that the bottle lasts less time, acquires a strange smell, rots or changes color. It is important that, when the vinegar evaporates, we take the bottle to the first nearby faucet, place the plate on it and let the water run. The ideal is to have one bottle per room.

Carnations are said to have the energy of protection, strength and healing power.

Ancient books say that this ritual is performed on the full moon. You need twelve white carnations and one red one. In a vase you are going to place the twelve white carnations together and the red one in the middle. The technique explains that if the red carnation withers first, there are negative energies in the home, if it is the last to wither, what prevails is good energy.

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If your plants get sick, dry, or look lifeless, they are giving you a great message. This also happens with the behavior of pets. Many times these beings make flesh of everything that happens in the home.

Candles are a source of illumination and wisdom. Lighting candles has been considered in ancient times as a call to joy.

If the wax of the candle falls behind, it means that there is something that is unconscious or hidden that cannot be seen. In front it is a good omen; on the right it speaks of reviewing the past and on the left it makes us review the future.

Black salt is named for its pinkish-gray color, which is due to its volcanic origin. It is also called “witch’s salt”, it is a mineral that is used to scare away and repel all types of evils and negativities. Placing black salt in the corners of the house, in the four directions of the cardinal points or under the bed, will ward off evil spirits. Leave it in a container where you feel it has to do its job, observe its change in color, smell and texture, this will tell you that it is absorbing the dense energies.

Raw tourmaline and quartz points. Crystal quartz is a great healer, cleanser and amplifier. Helps center, focus and amplify physical, mental and emotional energy.

Black tourmaline is like the sponge of crystals, it protects us from any psychic, emotional and spiritual attack. Place a raw tourmaline in the corners of the room to be treated; Next to it, a natural crystal quartz point, being an energy amplifier, enhances the work of the tourmaline. You will see the work they do together inside the faceted crystal. Every seven days, dump all the crystals into a pot of black soil, and then place them back to do their work. Repeat this action as many times as necessary, and see if you feel better.

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The pendulum is one of the most important instruments within dowsing to obtain information.

When the pendulum rotates counterclockwise it is dissolving the energetic stagnations of that person or space. When it spins straight it acts like a laser cutting through the dense energy. Clockwise, the pendulum will be sealing or charging with positive energy that area where we work cleaning or cutting.

You can ask the pendulum yes or no, it is a great ally when it comes to working with energies. We can check if there is dense energy in any of the areas of the house and check where the environment is most charged.

It is very important to have patience, pulse and good posture, avoiding influencing the movement of the pendulum. The ideal is to also keep our mind blank and pay attention to our inner being, to be guided by sending this work and to be more precise.

Teachers of Eastern religions advise meditating at home, for at least 5 minutes, and holding it once or twice a day will emit a powerful positive vibration.

You can use this meditation to go through the house on an energetic journey and detect which spaces have the most negative energy.

After using any of these detectors, it is necessary that if you notice intense energy in your home, you do a deep energy cleaning and then maintain it once a week or every fortnight. This will make your house vibrate loudly, and nothing you don’t want will enter.