10 Tips to overcome irrational fears

We find ourselves in a world full of questions and questions and when we think about some situations that lack reason, we are surprised to realize that people live with fears that seem illogical and without an apparent solution. In these cases, we may question certain things, such as why we are afraid of something unknown that does not represent a danger? Is it normal to maintain a distant relationship with the feared objects of everyday life?

The truth is that these moments are more frequent than you think and can lead to problems establishing social, work, friendly, loving, family ties, among others. However, there are some solutions that have proven to be considerably effective in addressing this problem. In this Psychology-Online article we will provide you with information about how to overcome irrational fears.

What is irrational fear

Irrational fear is an anxiety disorder characterized by the presence of a persistent feeling of fear in front of objects and/or situations that do not present an objective danger and real for the person. The fact of being irrational is due to the fact that there is no logical cause that can justify the behaviors, emotions and thoughts related to what is feared.

However, psychological treatment can allow us to investigate the causes that cause irrational fear to arise. In general terms, this type of clinical picture is usually associated with increased sensations. Below we will explain some ways to overcome irrational fears.

Record thoughts, emotions and behaviors

This alternative is often used in some psychotherapeutic treatments. In short, it consists of become aware of sensations that the person experiences when faced with feared situations or objects. When an adequate distance is established through writing, it is possible to adopt a more objective stance in relation to the way of acting.

Perform psychological therapy

Another of the most effective ways to treat irrational fears is by doing psychological therapy. Psychological therapy is one of the best resources to deal with anxiety situations caused by irrational fears.

Psychological treatments provide tools to cope with these types of moments in a more enjoyable way and take actions that invalidate the fears that arise in these cases.

Question irrational fears

Sometimes, people perceive the internal fears they feel as real because they do not question them. In this way, the consistency of irrational fear increases and insecurities arise that last over time.

For this reason, questioning these situations allows us to face them with a more realistic vision of the facts. In any case, understanding that these are scenarios created by the mind usually alleviates these fears.

Visualize positive scenarios

Visualization is another tool used in anxiety situations that when put into practice can generate favorable results for those who use it. Therefore, when irrational fears appear, it is advisable appeal to the imagination of positive moments instead of fantasizing about negative outcomes.

Without a doubt, changing your point of view is essential to resolve the conflicts that these fears can cause. In this article we explain to you.

Gradual approach to stimulus

This technique consists of establish contact with the object or the feared situation progressively . In this way, the impact it produces can be less and allows you to dissipate your own insecurities. Taking dog phobia as an example, one possibility would be to go from looking at a photo to petting an animal for several hours. It should be noted that this is a process that varies in time depending on the person.


Irrational fears produce a series of incessant thoughts that last over time. This can be reflected in those people who evaluate all possible scenarios before making a decision. In these cases, uncertainty is generated that is not useful. For this reason, act without overthinking about that moment can be an interesting tool to combat an irrational fear.

Perform mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice that consists of removing consistency from negative thoughts and emotions related to specific situations. The objective of this methodology is produce mental relaxation that allows you to dissolve the irrational fears that arise in everyday life. In this article you will find some that can help you.

Take relaxing infusions

Another alternative that can help overcome irrational fears is ldrinking relaxing infusions. In general terms, the effect generated by these substances can help reduce mild symptoms of anxiety and allow us to face moments of fear without the influence of a nervous body and mind. Among the best-known infusions, lavender, lemon balm, linden, passionflower and valerian stand out, among others.

Take magnesium citrate

Magnesium citrate produces a relaxation of the central nervous system, which has a positive impact on coping with stressful situations. For this same reason, this supplement can be a great ally to combat irrational fears.

However, to consume it properly it will be necessary to gradually increase the dose until the body’s maximum tolerance is reached.

Distraction of thoughts

Another option to confront irrational fears is to turn to other thoughts to avoid flight reactions against the stimuli that may arise. In this sense, those ideas that are taken as a reference must be relieving that really help to overcome irrational fear.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Bados, A. (2009). Specific phobias. Faculty of Psychology Department of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Tractament. University of Barcelona.
  • Delgado Reyes, AC, Sánchez López, JV (2019). Fear, phobias and their treatments. Electronic Journal of Psychology Iztacala, 22 (2), 798-833.
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